European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy

Career information for young people in Austria



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1. Background

What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?

- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)

- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)

- Participants

Aims and targets

- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)

- Target group

- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)

In order to widen access to career guidance and vocational information, the Federal Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Consumer Protection is working closely together with the Federal Ministry of Education.

2. Implementation

Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)

- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)

- Implementation (description)

The ministries made a common commitment that all 7th and 8th grades should visit the career information centres of the public employment service (PES). The regional offices of the PES invite schools for a visit and provide information about their guidance services and other information material. The ambition behind this measure is that in a knowledge based economy and a dynamic labour market, young people should deal with educational and career choice in an early stage, in order to smooth the transition from primary school (1st – 9th level of education) to secondary school or to an apprenticeship in the labour market and further to prevent drop outs.

Young people must have access to information, advice and counselling in order to enable them to make a self-determined choice about their future career. As parents often play an important role in their children’s career decision, an effort is made to reach and inform them as well. Thus the career information centres organise events for groups like parents, organisers of training measures and teachers. Information is also provided in foreign languages.

Monitoring and evaluation

- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?

- What actors are involved?

3. Outcomes

Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)

- Specific results

- Cost effectiveness

- Budget

- Innovative aspects

Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)

- Lessons learnt

- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)

Strengths and weaknesses

- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?

- Are there still challenges ahead?

4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative

Additional information

Name of contact

Role (in policy initiative)

Organization name





Website address

No links specified.

Documents and publications

Attached files

No attachment files.


No links specified.

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good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, career information, young peopleschools, guidance in schools, Austria