European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


The IQ Roma Service – The Centre for Counselling and Employment, Czech Republic

Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy

The IQ Roma Service – The Centre for Counselling and Employment, Czech Republic


Czech Republic

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1. Background

What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?

- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)

- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)

- Participants


IQ Roma Service provides accredited social services: social counselling, field work, drop-in facility for children and the young and activation services for families with children, in compliance with Social Service Law (108/2006) as amended and further complementary activities.
IQ Roma Service helps approx. 2000 people in need a year in Brno, Břeclav, Vyškov and in other localities of the South Moravian Region.
The clients are mainly Roma threatened by social exclusion, who want to resolve and change their adverse life situation actively. The social services are provided for free.

Aims and targets

- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)

- Target group

- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)

Aims and targets

Vision of IQ Roma servis is “society of lively and friendly relations between Roma and other people…a world where Roma people have their dignified roles and respect as both individuals and a nation…“
Mission of IQ Roma servis is “to be a mediator which supports possibilities, opportunities and resolution of Roma in their development, social fulfilment and protects their rights and dignity within society.”
Employees of Centre of Counselling and Employment provide information and support in solving of adverse situation of people, mainly Roma and their children. They aim to improve or even solve their problems. The leading belief is that fact that someone is Roma should not be a complication in their life or on the life of their children.
IQ Roma Service wants to experience and assist success of young Romani generation in education, increase employment of Roma and set up their dignified place in the society, to support health, competencies of parents and good relationships within Romani families. An important goal is helping in ensuring accessible housing for active clients. The work also targets debts of the clients and provides help in finding active and systematic way in solving financial problems. The work aims at building positive image, pride and civic engagement of Roma. IQ Roma Services wants to be strong, independent and influential organization.

2. Implementation

Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)

- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)

- Implementation (description)

The Program for Adults (which of the Centre of Counselling and Employment is a part) provides two ways of social work – field social work and advisory centres. The field social workers work mainly in Brno but also in other towns of South Moravian Region such as Břeclav Vyškov, Tišnov, Zastávka, Bučovice, Mikulov etc. IQ Roma servis has got four advisory centres – in Brno on streets Hybešova 41 and Cejl 49 and also in Vyškov and Břeclav. In this way a wide range of the clients´ needs is covered and also the regional structures are assisted through dissemination of the know-how and organizational methods.
Program for Children and Youth provides educational services in centres in Brno, Vyškov and Břeclav.
Apart from social and educational services the IQ Roma Service organizes various campaigns which reflect up-to-date events and trends within the whole society. “Dže andre lačchi škola” (“Go to a good school”) belongs to the most successful ones and aims to prepare children and their parents for a good start to educational system and choice of quality (non-segregated) school.
Campaign which brought a lot of attention in 2012 is “My pracujeme” (“We do work”). This campaign was launched on 1st August 2012 and aimed at showing positive examples of working Roma and so change negative attitude of the Czech majority and discriminatory tendencies. For more information on the campaign please see:
Similar campaign that attempted to point at discrimination on labour marked preceded on 2011 and was based on TV clip “Neviditelní” (“The Invisible”) which was broadcasted on Czech Television: This campaign was part of concept of Ethnic Friendly Employer brand.

The strategic plan of IQ Roma servis is being updated on annual basis and is a living document that covers wide range of topics the service works on. It mainly contains goals related to social work (housing, debts, employment, social system), educational activities (catch-up classes for pupils/students, past-time activities, coaching of children to lead them to successful participation in education and decision making in further professional life, cooperation with parents, families, schools etc.), case-management (mainly work with families). The strategic plan is result of a wide cooperation of management of the organization but also participation of all employees and also clients´ ideas and opinions. Feedback from clients is gained on various occasions (feedback sessions, participation meetings, community meetings etc.)
The main strategy of IQ Roma Service is to provide complex service. It means that the focus is not on job seeking only. The aim is also to encourage the clients to set a reasonable budget in order to get rid of the debts. The assistance is provided in in financial matters, housing, family relationships etc. General aim is to set up a sustainable situation for the client.

Monitoring and evaluation

- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?

- What actors are involved?

IQ Roma Service has got Analytic and Methodological Department that monitors ways how social work is being provided and also results of the work. These outputs are processed on regular basis and often published in various media, magazines, strategic documents, web pages of the organization etc.
All activities are reflected by several means such as cross-check interviews, focus groups on various topics and continuous gaining of feedback from clients.

Funding/Cost effectiveness

It is difficult (if not impossible) to calculate influence of social work or educational activities. However calculations from 2011 show that cost of services provided to one client of the Centre of Counselling and Employment were approx. 56.6 EUR. Activities of IQ Roma Service are funded by European projects, Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, South Moravian Region, Brno municipality and also by private donors. These donors fund our effort repeatedly and regularly therefore we are sure that they believe that they are worth finances invested into them.

3. Outcomes

Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)

- Specific results

- Cost effectiveness

- Budget

- Innovative aspects


Outcomes of the IQ Roma Service are published regularly in the Annual report. Please see the last one on:
To name some facts about the main outcomes:
In 2011 50 children were helped in registering at a quality school or kindergarten, 13 families assisted in cooperation with Department of Social and Legal Protection of Children, 1,663 clients of the Program for Adults helped in solving their problems related to employment, housing, debts and social system, 535 children participated on activities of Program for Youth, 58 applied for a secondary school and 42 of them passed, 149 of pupils/students attended catch-up classes and 217 attended PC courses.


IQ Roma Service belongs to the most prestigious non-profit organizations in the Czech Republic and it is a leading expert in the area of social inclusion which is proven by the national & international awards, recognition and accreditation (please see:
In first half of 2012 15 clients of Centre of Counselling and Employment managed to find a job with the help of IQ Roma Service, 28 clients have set up a plan how to get rid of their debts and other 6 clients managed to get rid of them, 3 clients found house/flat rented by a private owner (which is a big success in view of the fact that Roma are frequently discriminated in housing).

Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)

- Lessons learnt

- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)

All activities are watched, monitored and evaluated on a regular basis. Strategic plan sets up specific targets and rates of clients who to be employed, find a housing, pay off their debts, apply for a school and graduate it etc.
These numbers are processed and if the intended targets are not achieved the management analyses the deficiencies and searches for solutions for improvements.

Unintended impacts

All the clients helped in finding a job, flat, pay off their debts and sort out their problems with bureaus, or the children who graduated school act as the best PR for community of Czech Roma. Through work with them the view of the Czech society on Romani people is positively influenced.

Strengths and weaknesses

- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?

- Are there still challenges ahead?

The main strength is the complexity of the services which cover problems that occurs in life of clients throughout their whole life – from early age, through school years, entering the labour market, maintaining good family relations, coping with a difficult economic situation up to the aging and retirement issues. Not only social or educational services are provided in high quality (as many other organizations do) but the impact of the services has also an aspect of social and civic activism and participation.
Although respected and recognised by public institutions and even government IQ Roma Service still works on finding its place among those who play strategic role in decision making related to complex work with socially excluded communities. Another area of improvement is in monitoring and measuring the impact of the services on the lives of the clients.

4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative

Additional information

Name of contact

Role (in policy initiative)

Organization name

IQ Roma Servis


Cejl 49 602 00 Brno Česká republika


+420 549 241 250



Website address

Documents and publications

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Jana Kvapilová

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good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, goods, services, access, act, active citizenship, active job seeking, adult education, adult student, adults, advisory services, alcohol and substace abuse, career counselling, civil society organisations, Czech Republic, people at risk, social inclusion, guidance in schools, unemployed, older adults, disadvantaged groups, career information

Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service

Subject of the Policy document

Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Croatian Employment Service

Year of adoption 2005

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The material describes how career guidance services are provided in regional offices as well as those possible activities now provided in only some of the offices. Improving the career guidance system presumes introduction of new types of services for specific groups of users and ensures co-ordinated action between different departments of the CES. Precondition for introduction of new services is a continuous investment into upgrading of counsellors’ competences.

The overall goal in the quality management system is:
• CES services quality standardisation
• That the activities of the Employment Service are more visible and transparent to the users and public
• That the services provided are within the resources allocated and the legislation framed, that they match best the needs of the users
• Permanent training for the CES employees in order to gain needed competences
• That the changes i.e. adjustments are made in accordance with users’ needs and potential
• To ensure a nation wide concept in delivering services, with possibilities for regional variations

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, access, administration, adult education, advisory services, apprenticeship, availability, career counselling, career guidance, career information, career management skills, career planning, co-operation and co-ordination, competence assessment, counsellor training, Croatia, guidance services, development plan, disadvantaged groups, education planning, education provision, effectiveness, employees, employer, employment services, evaluation criteria, evaluation data, evaluation guidelines, evaluation outcome, evidence-based, group counselling, guidance provision, human resource management, implementation, in-company training, individual counselling, information services, labour market, standard development, people at risk, people with disabilities, personality assessment, PES, quality assurance, quality evaluation, student counseling, young people, Staff working document, Regional level, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, employment, social inclusion

Ordinance On The Composition And Operation Of Expert Bodies In The Procedure Of Achieving Social Welfare Rights And Other Rights According To Special Regulations

Subject of the Policy document

Ordinance On The Composition And Operation Of Expert Bodies In The Procedure Of Achieving Social Welfare Rights And Other Rights According To Special Regulations

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2002/2011

Reference number Official Gazette 64/02, 145/11

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

10. SOCIAL AND FAMILY HISTORY INFORMATION (place, duration and reason for temporary stay, previous expert analysis, previously achieved rights, information on household members, housing conditions, financial situation, circumstances and progress of education, career guidance and rehabilitation, work status, marital status, situation in the marriage or parents' marriage, description of behaviour, respondent's opinion or the opinion of his/her legal representative on the abilities and needs of the respondent).

13. Use of aids (appliances):
13.1. Which aids are used
13.2. Is the aid used throughout the day or a portion of the day
13.3. Does the aid effect career guidance and does it improve work and everyday activities
14. Assessment of:
14.1. Ability to stand, move, sit, balance (sitting down and standing)
14.2. Conditions to attend school – go to workplace
14.3. Posture at the workplace
14.4. Body position when lying down for persons over 65
14.5. Ability to move arms
- dominant
- non-dominant
14.6. Contraindications for career guidance considering work conditions and surroundings.

If the person is going to school or has gone to school, list:
- if the person was diagnosed according to educational standards (yes/no),
- if the person was diagnosed for the purposes of career guidance (yes/no); if yes: where the diagnosis was carried out (CES career guidance service, career guidance team at the special educational or rehabilitation institution, elsewhere).

17. Career guidance, training and rehabilitation, work status, workplace, tasks carried out or being carried out, years of employment

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, career guidance, social inclusion, social and family history information, PES career guidance service, special educational institution, rehabilitation institution, training, disability, disabled, disadvantaged groups, workplace learning, National level, Croatia, legislation, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, higher education, adult education, employment

National Strategy For Entrepreneurial Learning

Subject of the Policy document

National Strategy For Entrepreneurial Learning

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Government of the Republic of Croatia

Year of adoption 2010

Reference number 60th session of the Croatian Government

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

• Objective 1: Develop a more positive attitude of wider public towards entrepreneurship, as well as encourage a positive attitude towards life-long learning for entrepreneurship

The goal of the strategy for entrepreneurial learning sets the following, concrete tasks:
a) recognise the importance of building entrepreneurial attitudes, knowledge and skills of all citizens of Croatia,
b) better understanding of entrepreneurship in the wider sense,
c) better understanding of youth about the role and importance of developing entrepreneurial attitudes, knowledge and skills for future personal and professional development,
d) increase the interest of members of different target groups for training to develop entrepreneurial attitude, knowledge and skills;

• Objective 2: Introduce learning and training for entrepreneurship as key competencies into all forms, types and levels of formal and informal education and learning

One of the 22 activities listed for the purpose of achieving Objective 2 is: "Implement entrepreneurial competence in professional informing and guidance, and career planning and development."

• Chapter 6. REASONS FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL LEARNING includes the following:

"Every man is also a homo economicus, who is competitive on the labour market with his business abilities, and it is precisely these abilities, if entrepreneurial competences are also implemented in it, that can achieve higher value. This enables higher and permanent employability and competitiveness of the individual, and easier professional orientation when choosing the first occupation and later, in career development."

Later sections of the same chapter (6), include the following:
"The Council of Ministers has passed the Resolution on Lifelong guidance in May 2004, which emphasises the following:

1. Career guidance refers to a range of activities that enable individuals of any age and at any point in their lives to identify their capacities, competences and interests, to make educational, training and occupational decisions and to manage their own professional career.
2. Priority 1 is important for entrepreneurship development, as it says that it is necessary to encourage lifelong development of career management skills. Career management skills are the decisive factor in empowering people for active participation and assuming responsibility in crating their own learning, education and career development.
3. Such skills, which should be nurtured throughout life, are based on key competences (especially 'to learn how to learn'), social and civil competences, including intercultural competences, and on initiative and entrepreneurship."


1. Implementing entrepreneurial competence in career planning and development,
2. Improving training programmes to establish and develop enterprises
3. Increased availability of training programmes for entrepreneurship.
4. Development of entrepreneurial centres and incubators.

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, career management skills, career guidance, professional orientation, career development, employability, competitiveness, competences and interests, formal education, informal education, entrepreneurial competence, career planning, training programmes, enterprises development, Croatia, lifelong learning, social entrepreneurship, National level, Regional level, strategy, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, social inclusion

EUROPE 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Subject of the Policy document

EUROPE 2020: A strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth

Reference data

Adopted/Released by European Commission

Year of adoption 2010

Reference number COM(2010) 2020 final

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

While the strategy makes no explicit reference to lifelong guidance, the paper and its flagship initiatives (Youth on the Move, The Agenda for New Skills and Jobs, Innovation Union, and A European Platform against Poverty and Social Exclusion) emphasise the active role of citizens' acquisition of lifelong career management skills.

Attached files

File: European Commission (2010) Europe 2020, strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth.pdf (154 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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ELGPN, legislation, policy, access, adult education, ageing population, career guidance, co-operation, communication, drop-out, early childhood education, higher education, informal learning, non-formal learning, schools, strategy, tertiary education, VET, vocational education, mobility, modernisation, European union, career management skills, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, employment, social inclusion

Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity - Draft Council Conclusions

Subject of the Policy document

Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity - Draft Council Conclusions

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Council of the European Union

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number 15497/07

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Draft Council conclusion, which sets out the key principles of flexicurity. While the document makes no direct reference to lifelong guidance, it is an underlying assumption in one of the four policy components of flexicurity, Comprehensive lifelong learning strategies.

Please also see the Commission Communication (Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity) and the Council Secretariat's Report by the "flexicurity" mission on the implementation of the flexicurity, both availabe in this database.

Attached files

File: Council (2007) Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity, draft council conclusions.pdf (90 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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ELGPN, legislation, policy, adult education, advisory services, career management skills, companies, employment, labour force, labour market, labour market policy, PES, public employment service, transition, unemployed, flexibility, security, flexicurity, support measures, European union, Conclusion, social inclusion

Implementation of the common principles of flexicurity within the framework of the 2008-2010 round of the Lisbon Strategy - Report by the "flexicurity" mission

Subject of the Policy document

Implementation of the common principles of flexicurity within the framework of the 2008-2010 round of the Lisbon Strategy - Report by the "flexicurity" mission

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Council of the European Union

Year of adoption 2008

Reference number 17047/1/08 REV 1 (en)

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

A report by the Flexicurity mission to facilitate mutual learning in implementation of flexicurity policies.

Through examples from member countries, the report emphasises the role of public employment services in providing guidance services (p. 6 & 9).

The report also points to the importance of the dialogue between the social partners and stakeholder in order to provide approriate occupation guidance (p. 10).

Please also see the Commission Communication (Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity) and the Draft Council Conclusions by the same name, both availabe in this database.

Attached files

File: Council (2008) Implementation of the common principles of flexicurity within the framework of the 2008-10 round of Lisbon Strategy, Report by the flexicurity mission.pdf (198 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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policy, adult education, advisory services, career management skills, companies, employment, labour force, labour market, labour market policy, PES, public employment service, transition, unemployed, flexibility, security, flexicurity, support measures, guidance, European union, Report, Finland, France, Poland, Spain, Sweden, social inclusion

Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity: More and better jobs through flexibility and security

Subject of the Policy document

Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity: More and better jobs through flexibility and security

Reference data

Adopted/Released by European Commission

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number COM(2007) 359 final

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Commission communication, which sets out the key principles of flexicurity. While the document makes no direct reference to lifelong guidance, it is an underlying assumption in one of the four policy components of flexicurity, Comprehensive lifelong learning strategies.

Please also see the Council Conclusions (Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity) and the Council Secretariat's Report by the "flexicurity" mission on the implementation of the flexicurity, both availabe in this database.

Attached files

File: European Commission (2007) Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity, more and better jobs through flexibility and security.pdf (86 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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ELGPN, legislation, policy, adult education, advisory services, career management skills, companies, employment, labour force, labour market, labour market policy, PES, public employment service, transition, unemployed, flexibility, security, flexicurity, support measures, European union, communication, strategy, social inclusion

Draft Council Resolution on a renewed European agenda for adult learning

Subject of the Policy document

Draft Council Resolution on a renewed European agenda for adult learning

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Council of the European Union

Year of adoption 2011

Reference number 16743/11

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The resolution welcomes the already achieved improvement in guidance services for adults (p. 5) and "encourage[s]the development of effective lifelong guidance systems, as well as integrated systems for the validation of non-formal and informal learning" (p. 8).
Bearing in mind the Europe 2020 Goals, member states are invited to focus on "... developing comprehensive and easily accessible information and guidance systems, complemented by effective outreach strategies aimed at raising awareness and motivation among potential learners, with specific focus on disadvantaged groups, early school leavers, young people not in education, employment or training (EETs), low qualified adults, particularly those with literacy difficulties, and followed up with second-chance opportunities leading to a recognised EQF level qualification." (p. 13).
The resolution also highlights "the learning needs of people with disabilities and people in specific situations of exclusion from learning, such as those in hospitals, care homes and prisons, and providing them with adequate guidance support." (p. 16)

Attached files

File: Council (2011) Draft Council Resolution on a renewed European Agenda for adult learning.pdf (170 KB)

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Outi Ruusuvirta

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policy, access, adult education, companies, disadvantaged groups, group at risk, lifelong guidance, lifelong learning, learning outcome, learner responsibility, learner autonomy, lifelong guidance systems, validation, informal learning, non-formal learning, key competencies, European Qualifications Framework, flexibility, in-company training, re-skilling, up-skilling, second chance, second chance opportunities, open method of coordination, workplace-based learning, employer, flexible learning pathways, quality assurance, active ageing, intergenerational, ICT, data and knowledge on adult learning, disability, people with disabilities, European union, resolution, career management skills, quality assurance and evidence-base, employment, social inclusion

Act On Professional Rehabilitation And Employment Of Persons With Disabilities

Subject of the Policy document

Act On Professional Rehabilitation And Employment Of Persons With Disabilities

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2002/2005

Reference number Official Gazette 143/02, 33/05

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 6
(1) A person with disabilities has a right to professional training and rehabilitation (hereinafter: professional rehabilitation) under general conditions and, if necessary, due to the severity and type of disability in question or success of the rehabilitation process in special schools and institutions for professional rehabilitation, under specially adapted or special programmes.
(2) Professional rehabilitation covers the following measures and activities:
– definition of other working and general abilities,
– professional information, counselling and assessment of professional abilities,
– labour market analysis, employment possibilities and inclusion in the world of labour,
– assessment of possibilities of performance, development and implementation of professional development programmes,
– professional training, additional qualification and programmes for maintenance and development of work and society-related skills and abilities in the employment,
– information and counselling on supplementary technologies in learning and working,
– individual and group programmes for improvement of work and society-related inclusion in the community,
– proposals on use of different technologies and techniques in the learning and working processes with the assessment of possible use,
– pre-professional learning, planning and implementing the chosen technology,
– development of motivation and training of persons with disabilities in use of the chosen technology,
– technical assistance, support, monitoring and assessment of results,
– information and support regarding financial resources.
(3) Duration of professional rehabilitation depends on the other working abilities and complexity of its organization and implementation.
(4) Professional rehabilitation of persons with disabilities is organized and implemented by an organization for professional rehabilitation, secondary school or another legal entity which fulfils conditions prescribed by this Act and other acts.
(5) Practical dimension of training during professional rehabilitation is carried out at employers' premises, or, exceptionally, within an institution for professional rehabilitation or a specialised educational institution.

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, rehabilitation, labour market analysis, society-related, skills, technical assistance, monitoring, access, act, active placement, adult education, assessment, career counselling, career information, social exclusion, social inclusion, special needs education, disability, disabled, disadvantaged groups, people at risk, Croatia, legislation, career management skills, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, employment

Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies

Subject of the Policy document

Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Council of the European Union

Year of adoption 2008

Reference number 2008/C 319/02

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

This is one of the key policy documents relating to lifelong guidance. The Resolution identifies the four priority areas (encouraging the lifelong acquisition of career management skills; facilitating access by all citizens to guidance services; developing quality assurance in guidance; and encouraging coordination and cooperation among national, regional and local stakeholders in guidance), around which the ELGPN work packages are built. The document also recognises role of the ELGPN as, inter alia, a means to share information and examples of best practice among the Member States.

Attached files

File: Council (2008) Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies_OJ.pdf (98 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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policy, access, career management skills, Cedefop, cooperation, coordination, disadvantaged groups, ELGPN, employment, European Qualifications Framework, guidance practitioner, guidance system, key competencies, lifelong guidance, lifelong learning, quality assurance, social inclusion, European union, resolution, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education

Council conclusions of 11 May 2010 on competences supporting lifelong learning and the ‘new skills for new jobs’ initiative

Subject of the Policy document

Council conclusions of 11 May 2010 on competences supporting lifelong learning and the ‘new skills for new jobs’ initiative

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Council of the European Union

Year of adoption 2010

Reference number 2010/C 135/03

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The Conclusions do not directly address lifelong guidance. However, the key role of career guidance systems in supporting citizens is noted on page C135/11.

Attached files

File: Council (2010) Council conclusions of 11 May 2010 on competences supporting lifelong learning and the ‘new skills for new jobs’ initiative.pdf (741 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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policy, active citizenship, competences, key competences, transversal, Conclusion, career management skills, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, social inclusion

National Strategy Of Equalization Of Possibilities For Persons With Disabilities From The Year 2007 Till The Year 2015

Subject of the Policy document

National Strategy Of Equalization Of Possibilities For Persons With Disabilities From The Year 2007 Till The Year 2015

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number Official Gazette 63/07

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

2.3. Upbringing and education

Measure 3. To provide lifelong learning for persons with disabilities with the aim to facilitate the transition between phases of education and education and employment.
Carrier: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Co-carriers: Agency for Adult Education, Agency for Education and Training, Agency for Occupational Education, Croatian Employment Service, National Examination and Assessment Centre, local and regional self-government units, associations of persons with disabilities and associations dealing with programmes providing benefit to persons with disabilities.

1. to draft a qualification framework of appropriate employments for persons with particular forms and degrees of disabilities acknowledging the demands of the labour market.
2. to develop evaluation of non-formal and informal learning
3. to encourage research on competences of young people with disabilities after primary and secondary education and compare them with competences required on the labour market
4. to provide lifelong professional informing and counselling of persons with disabilities

2.7. Professional rehabilitation, employment and labour

4. To provide access to professional orientation for persons with disabilities regardless of age, education and working status

Carrier: Croatian Employment Service and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Co-carriers: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities, Agency for Vocational Education, Agency for Adult Education, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, regional professional rehabilitation centres, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Croatian Employers' Association, Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, Croatian Institute for Public Health, associations of persons with disabilities and associations dealing with programmes providing benefits to persons with disabilities, institutions for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, professional rehabilitation and employment

1. to identify persons with disabilities having the need for professional orientation by taking into account their age, education and working status
2. to establish services for professional orientation within the educational system
3. to educate professional orientation counsellors for counselling of persons with disabilities
4. networking of professional orientation services and regional professional rehabilitation centres

Implementation indicators:
1. the number of persons with disabilities identified and forwarded to professional orientation
2. established services for professional orientation of pupils within the educational system
3. the number of experts from various systems included in education
4. the number of persons included in professional rehabilitation

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, career guidance, professional orientation, career guidance services, career guidance counsellor, schools, disabilities, Croatia, employment, labour market, upbringing, lifelong learning, local and regional self-government units, non-formal learning, evaluation, informal learning, competences, networking, rehabilitation centres, National level, Regional level, strategy, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, adult education, social inclusion

Anti-Discrimination Act

Subject of the Policy document

Anti-Discrimination Act

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2008

Reference number Official Gazette 85/08

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 8.
This Act shall apply to the conduct of all state bodies, bodies of local and regional self-government units, legal persons vested with public authority, and to the conduct of all legal and natural persons, especially in the following areas:
1. work and working conditions; access to self-employment and occupation, including selection criteria, recruiting and promotion conditions; access to all types of vocational guidance, vocational training, professional improvement and retraining;
2. education, science and sports;
3. social security, including social welfare, pension and health insurance and unemployment insurance;
4. health protection;
5. judiciary and administration;
6. housing;
7. public informing and the media;
8. access to goods and services and their providing;
9. membership and activities in trade unions, civil society organisations, political parties or any other organisations;
10. access to participation in the cultural and artistic creation.

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, professional improvement and retraining, vocational training, access, self-employment, selection criteria, recruiting and promotion conditions, public authority, local and regional self-government units, pension and health insurance, social security, civil society organisations, housing, public informing and media, social welfare, education, science, sports, services, goods, Croatia, legislation, career management skills, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, social inclusion

Ordinance On Active Job Seeking And Availability To Work

Subject of the Policy document

Ordinance On Active Job Seeking And Availability To Work

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2009

Reference number Official Gazette 39/09

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 7.
(1) CES also organises targeted career guidance that can include a psychological-medical examination of the unemployed person.
(2) The expert team for career guidance carries out the procedure of targeted career guidance, with the possibility of inviting an occupational health specialist into the team as needed.
(3) The unemployed person is obliged to get involved in the targeted career guidance based on arrangements made with a CES official prior to determining a professional plan or based on activities from the already determined professional plan.
(4) The unemployed person is informed about the time of career counselling during their individual counselling meeting by means of a referral that has to be signed, letter, telegram or phone, with an official note being made about the information sent.

Article 8.
(1) Group counselling allows the unemployed person to gain and develop skills for active job seeking and competences to manage their own career development.
(2) Group counselling is carried out in four modules:
– writing cover letters and resume,
– active job seeking techniques,
– preparing for interviews,
– self-assessment of professional possibilities.
(3) The unemployed person is obliged to get involved in the targeted group counselling based on arrangements made with a CES official prior to determining a professional plan or based on activities from the already determined professional plan.
(4) O The unemployed person is informed about the time of group counselling during their individual counselling meeting by means of a referral that has to be signed, letter, telegram or phone, with an official note being made about the information sent.

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, assessment, career guidance, targeted career guidance, unemployed persons, professional plan, working profile, career counselling, individual counselling meeting, group counselling, career development, active job seeking, job placement, self-assessment, career management skills, skills development, Croatia, legislation, access, quality assurance and evidence-base, adult education, employment, social inclusion

Economic and social outcomes of guidance


Economic and social outcomes of guidance


Guidance has social and economic outcomes: in particular, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of education, training and the labour market through its contribution to reducing drop-out, preventing skill mismatches, increasing job tenure and boosting productivity; and also addressing social equity and social inclusion.


Economic and social outcomes are usually considered together as the two outcomes are closely linked.
See separate definitions of ‘Guidance outcomes’, ‘Learning outcomes of guidance’ and the definition of ‘Outcome (quality)’.


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ELGPN Glossary, guidance, outcomes, mismatch, social inclusion, quality

Labour Act

Subject of the Policy document

Labour Act

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2009/2011

Reference number Official Gazette 149/09, 61/11

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 5.
(1) The employer shall assign a worker a job and pay him or her for the work carried out, and the worker shall perform personally the job assigned, following the employer's instructions given according to the nature and the type of work,
(2) The employer has the right to specify the location and manner of carrying out the work, while respecting the rights and dignity of the worker.
(3) The employer shall, in accordance with a separate law and other regulations, provide the employee with safe working conditions that are not hazardous to the health of employees.
(4) Direct and indirect discrimination in the field of labour and labour conditions shall be prohibited, which includes selection criteria and employment requirements, promotion requirements, vocational guidance, vocational training, additional training and retraining, in accordance with special law.
(5) The employer shall protect employees' dignity during work from such treatment by superiors, peers and persons with whom employees come into regular contact during their work that is unwanted and contrary to separate law.

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, employment, employment requirements, employees' dignity, work, working conditions, vocational guidance, vocational training, additional training, rights and dignity of the worker, access, active placement, nature of work, type of work, Croatia, employees, employer, employment services, legislation, career management skills, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, adult education, social inclusion

Partnership based URIHO's model of CMS for persons with disability in Croatia

Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy

Partnership based URIHO's model of CMS for persons with disability in Croatia



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1. Background

What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?

- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)

- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)

- Participants

According to conducted researches (UNDP/CES research 2007) and monitoring of labour market situation in Croatia it is visible that persons with disabilities have difficulties to enter open labour market because of their inadequate educational structure, lack of work experience and long term unemployment what additionally decrease their employability because of disuse of professional knowledge and diminished motivation. Prejudices of employers and general public about their working abilities also contribute to their hard placement on open labour market.
The Strategy on Equalization of Possibilities for Persons with disabilities in Croatia (2007-2015) among others states: “to allow access to career management for persons with develop new employment models for persons with disabilities”.

Croatian Employment Service in cooperation with URIHO (organization for rehabilitation), Fond for vocational rehabilitation and local communities have developed model to enhance the employability of unemployed persons with disabilities by improving their career management skills using tailor made work-related and social activities.

Aims and targets

- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)

- Target group

- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)

The objective of established new model of professional rehabilitation is to enhance the employability of persons with disabilities by improving their career management skills using tailor made work-related and social activities. Target groups of participants are long-term unemployed persons with disabilities and in smaller extent other vulnerable and marginalized groups.

2. Implementation

Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)

- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)

- Implementation (description)

New model includes activities which take place in group settings, individual sessions and social-related activities - assessment and upgrading of their vocational competences, their key competences - communication in mother tongue, mathematical and digital competences, sense of initiative and entrepreneurship; social skills, job-searching skills including how to write CV-s, knowledge and skills needed for their interview with potential employer. They also have possibility for self-evaluation by using “My Choice” - career guidance software. In addition, individual counseling on career possibilities leads towards improving their career management skills. Group work is organized once a week (1, 5 hour) and is focused on themes such as: communication and presentation skills, non-violent conflict resolution, recognition and expression of emotions, stress management, decision- making, creative and critical thinking, building effective relationships, team work, self-assessment, ect. Group work is based on interactive approach which includes group discussions, role plays, working in pairs, presentations.

The described model of professional rehabilitation has started as model at national level followed by setting up similar regional professional rehabilitation centers.

Monitoring and evaluation

- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?

- What actors are involved?

The evaluation of this programme proves that after 6 months participants improve their working potential including different aspects related to career management skills.

Croatian Employment Service is involved in process of monitoring the participants’ progress, conducting evaluation of the program and works on improvement of this form of vocational rehabilitation along with the other partners. Additionally, new model of professional rehabilitation contributed to the increased level of cooperation among all partners: Croatian Employment Service, URIHO (Institution for Rehabilitation of Persons With Disability by Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment), the City of Zagreb and Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of People with Disabilities.

3. Outcomes

Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)

- Specific results

- Cost effectiveness

- Budget

- Innovative aspects

Participants have learnt how to write CV, how to make active job search and effective interview with potential employer. They have improved their career management skills through self-evaluation techniques, by using “My Choice” career guidance software, individual and group counseling. According to the survey and follow up 45% of unemployed persons with disabilities who used URIHO facilities found their jobs on open labor market.

Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)

- Lessons learnt

- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)

The main factors which led to success of this model were: improved vertical and horizontal communication between all key players who were indispensable for CMS policy implementation. CMS policy implementation was incremental and gradual due to bottom up process which relayed on constant observation and assessment of needs of participants involved in the activities of professional rehabilitation.

The factors that hindered success were unclear legislation regulations about participant’s compensations during the rehabilitation process which influenced their motivation. This issue was resolved through communication with the relevant ministry.

Strengths and weaknesses

- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?

- Are there still challenges ahead?

4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative

Additional information

Name of contact

Mirjana Zećirević

Role (in policy initiative)

Head, Employment Preparation Department

Organization name

Croatian Employment Service


Radnička cesta 1, 10 000 Zagreb


+385 1612 6091


+385 1612 6039


Website address

Documents and publications

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good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, assessment, key competences, self-evaluation, vocational rehabilitation, disabled, Croatia, adult education, employment, social inclusion, people at risk, unemployed, disadvantaged groups, career information, qualifications, effectiveness

Psychological Activity Act

Subject of the Policy document

Psychological Activity Act

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2003

Reference number Official Gazette 47/03

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 3
A general purpose of psychological activities is to improve quality of life of individuals, groups and communities. Psychological activities are included in all areas of human life, especially in areas which relate to work and organization of work, employment and career guidance, communication and market, education, research and analysis, health care, sport, social care, transport, judiciary, military and police.

Article 7
Implementation of psychological activity which is not covered by undergraduate education and it covers more demanding forms of work in the area of clinical, health, penological, forensic, military, pedagogical and educational psychology, psychology of work, sports, special care, career guidance and medicine of work requires of each psychologist, in additional to the basic working permit, a special certificate.

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, psychological activities, quality of life, work, organization of work, employment, career guidance, communication and market, education, research and analysis, health care, sport, social care, transport, judiciary, military and police, Croatia, legislation, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, social inclusion

Act On Employment Mediation And Rights During Unemployment

Subject of the Policy document

Act On Employment Mediation And Rights During Unemployment

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2008/2009/2010

Reference number Official Gazette 80/08, 94/09, 121/10

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 1
This Act regulates employment mediation, career guidance, education and training with the aim of increasing the labour force, insurance during unemployment, activities in the labour market with the aim of promoting spatial and professional mobility of the labour force, new employment and self-employment, financial resources for activities of the Croatian Employment Service (hereinafter: CES) and its structure, management and activities.

Article 22
Employment preparation includes the following:
1) career guidance,
2) introduction to methods and techniques of active job seeking,
3) training for employment,
4) professional rehabilitation.

Article 23
(1) Career guidance refers to a number of professional activities which define possibilities, interests and competences of clients, so that they make decisions on their education, training and employment and thus manage their professional development.
(2) Career guidance includes informing, counselling and monitoring of professional development of persons from Paragraph 1 thereof.
(3) Career guidance services are delivered to unemployed persons and other job seekers, pupils and students.

Article 63
CES performs the following activities:
1) monitors, analyses and keeps track of economic, social and other trends, employment figures, employment and unemployment and their mutual cooperation and impacts based on which it proposes measures for promotion of employment,
2) keeps register on unemployment persons and other persons, mediates in employment between employers and job seekers, monitors employment needs, their employment and , in that sense, cooperates with employers,
3) in cooperation with employers, educational institutions and other legal entities, organizes and implements career guidance services, training and other forms of active employment policies …
4) collaborates with educational institutions in order to harmonize curricula with demand for the labour force and implementation of career guidance ...

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, active placement, assessment, career guidance services, career planning, Croatia, job seeking, labour market, labour market participation, public employment service, training for employment, proffesional rehabilitation, legislation, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, adult education, employment, social inclusion

National Lifelong Guidance Council 2008-2012_HU

Subject of the Policy document

National Lifelong Guidance Council 2008-2012_HU

Reference data

Adopted/Released by

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The National Lifelong Guidance Council of Hungary was established in 2007, with the following main aims:
- to coordinate the ongoing works and developments of the Hungarian stakeholders and sectors (employment, public, higher, vocational education, social sectors)
- to harmonise the Hungarian LLG related developments with the EU priorities and goals,
- to participate in the works of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN),
- to supervise the EU funded development of the Hungarian Lifelong Guidance system, led by the National Employment Office.

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Viktória Benei

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policy, consultation, cross-sectoral co-operation, guidance system, recommendation, National level, Hungary, guideline, co-operation and co-ordination, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, social inclusion

National LLG Council_Policy Statement_HU

Subject of the Policy document

National LLG Council_Policy Statement_HU

Reference data

Adopted/Released by

Year of adoption 2008

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The aim of this policy statement is to summarise the current status of LLG and the main development trends on the basis of a historical review and to lay the foundations of a mediumterm action plan.

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Viktória Benei

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policy, development, lifelong guidance, policy declaration, practice, recommendation, National level, Hungary, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, social inclusion

Federal Programmes Educational Chains and Coaching for the transition to work for at-risk youth in Germany

Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy

Federal Programmes Educational Chains and Coaching for the transition to work for at-risk youth in Germany



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1. Background

What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?

- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)

- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)

- Participants

With the aim to prevent early school leaving as well as to ensure the successful transition from school to vocational education the Educational Chains (Bildungsketten) initiative of the Federal Ministry for Education and Research (BMBF) connects and integrates existing projects and tools. In 2008 the Federal government and the Federal States (Länder) determined as part of the “Initiative for Qualification” quantitative targets for education in the “Dresden statement” These includes the aim to reduce early school leavers from 8% to 4 % and young adults without a vocational education certificate from 17% to 8,5%. In this context the initiative intends to develop a “community of responsibility” among the actors and stakeholders involved in transition from school to vocational education and work. This system will be systemically enhanced to become more efficient in order to respond to demographic changes and the lack in qualified workforce. (Schuck, 1)

In combining different programmes of the labour and education sectors the “Educational Chains” initiative is a good example of inter-sectoral cooperation and coordination (Council resolutions 2004, 2008). It is also a good example of preventive action tackling drop-out and early school leaving. With preventive career guidance activities, the programme also follows the Council Recommendation on the policies to reduce early school leaving (2011/C191/01) where it also is recommended that the members “ensure comprehensive strategies” (like in the “Educational Chains” initiative).

Involved actors and stakeholders are the Federal Ministry of Education and Research, the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs, the Länder, the Federal Employment Agency and the social partners .

Aims and targets

- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)

- Target group

- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)

The programme “Educational Chains” aims to support the transition from general into vocational education in the dual system as well as to prevent drop-outs in both systems. It supports young people to prepare for their general school certificate and their vocational education. The central idea is to use existing programmes, that have proved to be successful, and to connect them like links in a chain in order to ensure transparency and efficiency. Among others the initiative in particular involves the programme “Coaching for the transition to work” of the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs (BMAS) which was also expanded by the BMBF.

The target groups are pupils and young adults in general education and vocational education who are at risk of dropping out or who are facing difficulties with the transition from school to work. They are selected for participation through an analysis of their potentials. The initiative also aims to provide parents, teachers, social workers, guidance practitioners and vocational education teachers with a professional framework for networking and cooperation.

The “Educational Chains” programme contains 3 elements. It starts with an analysis of potentials in the 7th or 8th year in participating secondary general schools. The analysis focuses on key competences and assesses interests and strengths of the pupils. The results of this analysis constitute the basis for individual curricular and extra-curricular measures. It works like a compass for a structured and systematic career orientation process.

During the career choice process (constituting the 2rd element) measures and activities are intensified and coordinated. Young people make their first vocational experiences, test their interests and talents and gain confidence and optimism. During this phase schools, Employment Agencies (EA) and companies cooperate supporting the pupils with career orientation and with the search for an apprenticeship placement. Young people are encouraged to make an appointment with the career counsellor in the EA and to use the information provided at the Career Information Centre (BIZ). All career orientation activities are of course supported by online resources such as or

Strengthening vocational orientation of pupils in full-time vocational schools, the career orientation programme of the BMBF offers all young people insights of various professional fields through short internship placements and so called workshop-days which they spend in companies.

(For further projects and programmes involved see the narrative below.)

The third element involves the intervention of Educational Coaches as part of the programme “Coaching for the transition to work”. Young people at risk who are selected in cooperation with teachers and social workers are supported individually. Intensive coaching starts one year before reaching the secondary school certificate and continues into the first year of vocational education in order to ensure the continuation of vocational education in the company. The coaches guide the young people; they help with problems and difficulties following an individual support plan on the basis of the results of the analysis of potentials . They also assist the young people with career orientation. The whole process is supervised by the career counsellor of the EA who is responsible for the integration of the young person into a vocational training. Further, the Educational Coaches, who are based in lower secondary schools, cooperate with parents, teachers, voluntary mentors and r companies and other partners who may be involved.

The Educational Coaches are experienced in the dual vocational education system as trainers or social education workers.

2. Implementation

Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)

- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)

- Implementation (description)

In order to manage and coordinate the process, the BMBF set up a steering group of the federation and the Länder. This group is also intended to coordinate and match federal and Länder measures. A further group on federal level is working on proposals to better integrate and coordinate programmes and instruments for NEET. At last, a service office has been set up at the Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training (BIBB) to accompany, evaluate and communicate the initiative. (Schuck, 5-6)

Previously, in 2008 the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs initiated the programme educational coaches, which is organised by the Federal Employment Agency (FEA). Since then it has been extended to run at 1.000 schools supporting about 30.000 young people. The initiative “Educational Chains” by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research now complements and expands the programme since 2010 with additional 1000 coaches reaching many more young people through the different programmes involved.

Monitoring and evaluation

- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?

- What actors are involved?

Monitoring and evaluation is ensured by the ministries funding the initiative and its integrated programmes.

First reports have been published, particularly on the programme “Coaching for the transition to work”. These use the statistical data base of the FEA as well as questionnaires and telephone interviews with the participating youth, coaches, educators etc. In addition, qualitative case studies are provided.

The Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs has commissioned the evaluation of the outcomes and success of the programme “Coaching for the transition to work” and reports to the German Parliament (the Deutscher Bundestag).

3. Outcomes

Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)

- Specific results

- Cost effectiveness

- Budget

- Innovative aspects

Outcomes are not available yet as the programme started 2009/2010. First results are expected in 2013/2014 when the pilot phase of the programme “Coaching for the transition to work” ends.

However, first intermediate reports on the programme “Coaching for the transition to work” based on questionnaires of all the involved actors and participants show that positive effects on the integration of at-risk youth into vocational education and training are suspected (Straif, 70).

The programmes and tools have been coordinated in the initiative “Educational Chains” in order to become more efficient. The initiative prevents young people from droping-out of schools or spending time waiting for placements in the dual vocational education system or in continuing projects and initiatives. This is intended to save costs for youth unemployment and related societal costs.

The “Educational Chains” programme involves a budget of € 362 million Euros 2010-2014; a longer term approach is already intended.

The cooperation and coordination of programmes and projects run by different federal ministries is an innovative aspect of the initiative. Linking and coordinating different successful projects and programmes so that they effectively work together and build on one another is an important measure to enhance the previously intransparent transition system. In this context it affects positively the cooperation of different responsibilities and hierarchies in the federal structure of Germany.

Voluntary mentoring projects have functioned as examples for the programme “Coaching for the transition to work”. Hence, the programme also involves voluntary work but provides professional support and structures for the voluntary mentors (Straif, 21).

The holistic approach of the initiative “Educational Chains” and the programme “Coaching for the transition to work” takes besides the aquiaition of career management skills also life management skills and career orientation into account. In this context, the municipality, schools, projects and programmes on career orientation follow an coordinated overall concept with a common understanding of career orientation.

On the micro-level the coaches take time with each young person and follow a person-centered approach which differs from the usual logic of the school system (BT DRS 17/3890).

Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)

- Lessons learnt

- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)

Strengths and weaknesses

- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?

- Are there still challenges ahead?

Strengths: First intermediate evaluations of the programme “Coaching for the transition to work” showed that the Coaches value their freedom of action.


First evaluations showed that fluctuation is high among the professional coaches and guidance practitioners because of their status of being only temporarily employed. Hence, continuous personal coaching which has been intended for at-risk youth could not always be delivered (BT DRS 17/3890).

A further challenge for all actors involved is to overcome situation-focussed approaches and crisis-intervention, which have been characteristic for the transition system in the past. It is necessary to reach an ongoing, holistic and preventive guidance process which continues after the young people have left school and therefore change into another system (BT DRS 17/3890).

4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative

In addition to the programme “Coaching for the transition to work”, the initiative “Educational Chains” involves the following projects and programmes:

• the senior expert programme (VerA – Initiative for Vocational Education) supports and guides young people in their first year in vocational education and helps them to accustom to the new system, a period which is particularly critical for dropping-out. Senior experts may accompany the young person until the end of vocational education. The senior experts are elder professionals who work voluntarily as coaches in a one-to-one tandem model.
• The career orientation programme (Berufsorientierungsprogramm BOP) which supports practical experiences in companies as part of the career orientation process. For 2 weeks pupils work in 3 different fields in out-plant vocational training centres where they can try out different professions.
• The programme Jobstarter which supports regional projects to increase the number of vocational education opportunities in local companies.
• The programme Jobstarter Connect which tests modules for vocational education to ease the transition into dual vocational education for those young people who could not transfer successfully into dual vocational education after school.
• The special programme coach@school aims at these schools, which are not part of the “coaching for the transition to work” - programme. Coaches in this programme work voluntarily in the schools similar to the senior experts.
All these programmes and tools have been coordinated so that they become more efficient. This prevents also that young people spend time waiting for placements in the dual vocational education system or in continuing projects and initiatives.
For further information see:

Additional information

Name of contact

Dr.Bernhard Jenschke

Role (in policy initiative)

reports on behalf of Federal Ministry of Education and Research, BMBF

Organization name

National Guidance Forum in Education, Career and Employment (Nationales Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung e.V., nfb)


Nationales Forum Beratung in Bildung, Beruf und Beschäftigung e.V., Kurfürstenstr. 131, 10785 Berlin, Germany






Website address

Documents and publications

Council of the European Union. Council Recommendation on policies to reduce early school leaving. 2011/C191/01. 28 June 2011.

Council of the European Union. Better Integrating Lifelong Guidance into Lifelong Learning Strategies, Doc 14398 EDUC 241 SOC 607, 2008

Council of the European Union. Strengthening Policies, Systems and Practices on Guidance throughout Life. Doc. 9286/04, EDUC 109 SOC 234, 2004.
Deutscher Bundestag: Drucksache 17/3890 Unterrichtung durch die Bundesregierung Zwischenbericht 2010 zur Evaluation der Berufseinstiegsbegleitung nach §421s des Dritte Buches Sozialgesetzbuch.Berlin 2010

Schuck, Ulrich: Abschluss und Anschluss – Bildungsketten bis zum Ausbildungsabschluss“ BBE Newsletter 4/2011.

Straif, Charlotte: Berufseinstiegsbegleitung: Unterstützung individueller Wege in den Beruf. Bundesinstitut für Berufsbildung, Good Practice Center Benachteiligtenförderung GPC (Ed.). Bonn, 2011.

See also:

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This information was provided/updated by:

Dr. Bernhard Jenschke, National Guidance Forum

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good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, schools, VET, social inclusion, guidance in schools, people at risk, disadvantaged groups, Germany

The Bruges Communiqué on enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training for the period 2011-2020

Subject of the Policy document

The Bruges Communiqué on enhanced European Cooperation in Vocational Education and Training for the period 2011-2020

Reference data

Adopted/Released by European Ministers of Vocational Education and Training, European Social Partners, and the European Commission

Year of adoption 2010

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The role of “easily accessible and high-quality lifelong information, guidance and counselling
services” as a part of European VET systems is highlighted in a global vision for VET in 2020. The importance of guidance is emphasised in enabling citizens to make sound decisions and in helping them to manage their learning and career (p. 6).

The document notes the role of guidance in promoting international mobility among VET learners, which has remained low despite the emergence of the European area of education and training (p. 4).

To enhance the attractiveness of VET, a provision of high quality guidance is needed to introduce different vocational trades and career opportunities to young pupils in compulsory education (p. 7).

In improving the quality and relevance of VET, participating countries and providers of vocational education and training are encouraged to make use of data guidance service provide on the transition from VET to work or further learning (p. 9).

The document highlights the importance of integrated guidance services, encompassing both employment and counselling services, in facilitating transitions from education and training to work and between jobs (p. 11).

One of the short term deliverables at the national level concerning strategic objectives 3 and 4 is the provision of ”integrated guidance services closely related with labour market needs” (p. 12).

Guidance services are noted as one of the measures which can help to maximise the contribution of VET in reducing early school leaving to below 10 per cent (p. 15).

Actors at the national level are encouraged to consider specific measures, such as using appropriate guidance and support services, to raise the participation levels of “at risk” groups in education and training (p. 16).

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File: Bruges Communique (2010).pdf (293 KB)

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Outi Ruusuvirta

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policy, adult education, apprenticeship, continuing VET, companies, Copenhagen process, C-VET, European Education and Training Area, Europe 2020, flexible pathways, initial VET, integrated guidance services, I-VET, key competences, mobility, national qualifications framework, permeability, quality assurance, transition, transnational mobility, validation of non-formal and informal learning, VET, VET professionals, vocational education and training, work-based learning, European union, communication, career management skills, quality assurance and evidence-base, social inclusion

Annual Growth Survey, Annex 1, Progress Report on Europe 2020

Subject of the Policy document

Annual Growth Survey, Annex 1, Progress Report on Europe 2020

Reference data

Adopted/Released by European Commission

Year of adoption 2011

Reference number COM(2011) 11 final

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The report makes no direct reference to lifelong guidance. However, the document follows the progress of the Europe 2020 targets and notes, inter alia, that in Education and Training the targets of reducing early school leaving to 10% of the population aged 18-24 and increasing the share of young adults (30-34) who have completed at least a tertiary level qualification or equivalent to 40% are likely to be missed by 2020, should the current levels of progress persist (p. 8-9).

Attached files

File: European Commission (2011) Annual Growth Survey, Annex 1, progress report on Europe 2020.pdf (77 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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policy, early school leaving, Europe 2020, growth, labour market participation, National Reform Plan, poverty, social exclusion, Report, schools, higher education, employment, social inclusion