European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


Training for the Parents of 7-19 Years Students

Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy

Training for the Parents of 7-19 Years Students



I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database


1. Background

What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?

- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)

- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)

- Participants

7-19 year-olds which include the childhood and adolescence period compose the great part of the population in Turkey. Increasing the rate of divorce and suicide are the risk factors for this age group. To minimize the risk factors parent/caregivers involvement of education is highly important. If parents give developmental support to their children, the level of academic achievement, attitudes toward the school, self-design can increase in the long term. Parent trainings supported by government provide opportunities for all parents/caregivers from community, school and teacher.
In this context to establish stronger and more qualified communication and relationship between parents and children take place the priorities of the Government of Turkish Republic. In order to realize this priority 7-19 parent training program was developed with in the scope of the “Children First Project” by the coordination of the Ministry of National Education and financial support of the EU. More over the importance of parent training is supported with one of the official document “Preventing and Reducing Violence in Educational Environments Strategy and Action Plan (2006-2011+)¬of MoNE“

Aims and targets

- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)

- Target group

- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)

This program is developed by Turkish experts to help the parents of 7-19 years students to identify their children better, to improve their interaction and communication with their children, enable them learn appropriate attitudes and approach to be aware of possible risks and take the necessary measures against these risks, provide support for them to plan their future more effectively. For this purpose, The Ministry Education, General Directorate for Special Educational and Guidance Services is coordinating the implementation of this program comprehensively. Moreover, this program has been implemented to the Turkish citizens who live in Belgium and Germany by the coordination of Turkish Education Attaché’s offices.
Adult learner principles, multiple intelligent theory, constructivist approach, transactional analysis, analytic approach, small and large groups, drama, imagination activities are applied to reach the objectives.

2. Implementation

Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)

- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)

- Implementation (description)

The program has been implemented in the schools, Counseling and Research Centers and Public Education Centers in 63 provincial. By the help of this program Totally 428.362 parents have been reached and 7242 guidance teachers are trained by the help of program since 2006.
Guidance teachers apply the program as a closed group of which participants aren’t changed for one day and three hours in a week in schools. This is a modular program of which compose 8 sessions. Maximum 24 parents can take part in a group. If it is necessary, applying the open group method is also possible. Maximum 50 parents can participate the open group implementations. The interactive participation of parents is aimed with activities. At the end of each sessions the annotations are distributed, affiches are posted, preview session is evaluated, experiences are shared the subject of the session and outline are presented, module is structured, activities, presentations and exercises are applied, general evaluation is done, tasks are given, process is discussed. Moreover, a file included a notebooks, brochures, magnets are given to the participants at the end of fourth session.
This program includes following topics:
1. Identification of adolescence
2. Communication
3. Growing up together
4. Managing possible risks
5. Resolution of conflicts
6. Parents’ attitudes
7. Improvement of behaviours
8. Planning future effectively

Monitoring and evaluation

- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?

- What actors are involved?

Monitoring and evaluation web based system is developed with in the scope of “The Children First Project”. Parents and psychological counsellor benefit from the web portal through the internet address. Surveys on the parents’ satisfaction, opinion and suggestion can be filled in the portal by parents who attended the program.
At the end of the eighth session parents fill the monitoring and evaluation form. There are some closed and open ended questions about the sociocultural features, benefit of education, the subject of further education which they want to participate. To evaluate efficiency of the training “Family Attitudes Inventory” and “Family Assessment Inventory” were conducted after and before the training.

3. Outcomes

Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)

- Specific results

- Cost effectiveness

- Budget

- Innovative aspects

With the scope of parent training totally 428.362 mother and father, 7.242 professional are trained since 2006. This training which is started as a project, then become a government policy. The training is mentioned in 2012-2014 strategy plan for MoNE to ensure the sustainability. Training for the Parents of 7-19 Years Students was started in 12 provinces with the scope of project. After the completion of the project the implementation of training is institutionalized and extended in to 61 provinces.
The training which was financially supported by the project budget with 200.000 € has being supported by MoNE’s budget and experts since the end of project.

Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)

- Lessons learnt

- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)

The materials and documents are structured efficiently and reinforced with the legislations, in this way the sustainability of the training was achieved. The broad service network and staff of MoNE are well organized and managed.
The communication between school and family are increased, schools are supported for social aspect of institutional strengthening.
There can be some problem because of the over work load of experts. Training is a team work and unless there is sufficiently support, this issue pose the risk factors about the sustainability and efficiency of training.

Strengths and weaknesses

- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?

- Are there still challenges ahead?

The training is based on voluntariness like the other trainings for adult.
Guidance teachers and other branch teachers’ effort is necessary to transfer the importance of training to the families. Participation of both mothers and fathers increase the qualification and applicability of the training; however, it is observed that the participation of the father is more limited than mothers.

4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative

Additional information

Name of contact

Hakan SARI, Assoc. Dr.

Role (in policy initiative)

Genaral Director of Special Education and Guidance Services of Turkish Ministry of National Education and also National Coordinator for Turkey for ELGPN.

Organization name

Directorate of General Special Education and Guidance Services of the Turkish Ministry of National Education


MEB Beşevler Kampüsü A Blok ANKARA/TÜRKİYE


0312 212 76 14-15


0312 213 13 56


Website address

Documents and publications

Attached files

No attachment files.


No links specified.

This information was provided/updated by:

Esra Çalık Var, ELGPN National Representative for Turkey and Educational policies unit in MONE

No comments by users.

good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, parent training, guidence for parents, schools, VET, adult education, guidance in schools, Turkey


Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy



The Danish Ministry of Children and Education launched eGuidance in January 2011. It provides individual and personal guidance to all citizens via various virtual communication channels: chat, telephone, SMS, e-mail and Facebook. eGuidance is for everyone who wants information about education and employment; it may also refer users to other guidance tools ( and to institutions for further guidance. It is especially targeted at resourceful young people and their parents, to give them easy access to independent information and guidance and thereby to motivate the young people to continue the search and clarification process on their own. It plays a central role as a guide to the national guidance portal, and as a communicator of guidance information etc. Use of Facebook was introduced in January 2012, enabling eGuidance to provide guidance in a common forum and in the social media ( Users can contact eGuidance during the day and evening as well as at weekends.

I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database


1. Background

What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?

- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)

- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)

- Participants

The Danish Ministry of Children and Education launched eGuidance in January 2011. E-guidance is established providing opportunity for personal guidance through “e-channels”
Primarily aimed at resourceful youths and their parents

Aims and targets

- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)

- Target group

- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)

eGuidance provides individual and personal guidance to all citizens via various virtual communication channels: chat, telephone, SMS, e-mail and Facebook. eGuidance is for everyone who wants information about education and employment; it may also refer users to other guidance tools ( and to institutions for further guidance. It is especially targeted at resourceful young people and their parents, to give them easy access to independent information and guidance and thereby to motivate the young people to continue the search and clarification process on their own. It plays a central role as a guide to the national guidance portal, and as a communicator of guidance information etc. Use of Facebook was introduced in January 2012, enabling eGuidance to provide guidance in a common forum and in the social media ( Users can contact eGuidance during the day and evening as well as at weekends.

2. Implementation

Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)

- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)

- Implementation (description)

eGuidance is a national service and is manned by professional guidance counsellors and cooperates with the youth guidance centres, the regional guidance centres and the national guidance portal

Monitoring and evaluation

- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?

- What actors are involved?

eGuidance is evaluated together with all other initiatives in the new Act on Guidance in 2010. eGuidance.

The Ministry of Education is the main stakeholder of the quality assurance system in the educational sector on a national level, as well as the main organisations for managers and guidance counsellors. eGuidance has establish a quality assurance system, which can be used to document activities, quality and effect on clients and society. Several indicators are included in the quality assurance system. Among the indicators are user surveys, based on nationally representative samples of pupils and students, responding on the same questionnaire. The user surveys are designed to provide information on user benefit of guidance in order to create the basis for a user-driven development. Based on inputs from guidance counsellors, the user surveys make it possible to compare and evaluate the user benefit of different types of guidance activities

3. Outcomes

Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)

- Specific results

- Cost effectiveness

- Budget

- Innovative aspects

Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)

- Lessons learnt

- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)

Strengths and weaknesses

- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?

- Are there still challenges ahead?

4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative

Additional information

Name of contact

Steffen Jensen

Role (in policy initiative)

Organization name

Ministry og Children and Education


Frederiksholms Kanal 26





Website address

Documents and publications

Attached files

No attachment files.


This information was provided/updated by:

Hanne woller

No comments by users.

good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, guidance in schools, unemployed, employed, career information, Denmark