European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


Ordinance On The Composition And Operation Of Expert Bodies In The Procedure Of Achieving Social Welfare Rights And Other Rights According To Special Regulations

Subject of the Policy document

Ordinance On The Composition And Operation Of Expert Bodies In The Procedure Of Achieving Social Welfare Rights And Other Rights According To Special Regulations

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2002/2011

Reference number Official Gazette 64/02, 145/11

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

10. SOCIAL AND FAMILY HISTORY INFORMATION (place, duration and reason for temporary stay, previous expert analysis, previously achieved rights, information on household members, housing conditions, financial situation, circumstances and progress of education, career guidance and rehabilitation, work status, marital status, situation in the marriage or parents' marriage, description of behaviour, respondent's opinion or the opinion of his/her legal representative on the abilities and needs of the respondent).

13. Use of aids (appliances):
13.1. Which aids are used
13.2. Is the aid used throughout the day or a portion of the day
13.3. Does the aid effect career guidance and does it improve work and everyday activities
14. Assessment of:
14.1. Ability to stand, move, sit, balance (sitting down and standing)
14.2. Conditions to attend school – go to workplace
14.3. Posture at the workplace
14.4. Body position when lying down for persons over 65
14.5. Ability to move arms
- dominant
- non-dominant
14.6. Contraindications for career guidance considering work conditions and surroundings.

If the person is going to school or has gone to school, list:
- if the person was diagnosed according to educational standards (yes/no),
- if the person was diagnosed for the purposes of career guidance (yes/no); if yes: where the diagnosis was carried out (CES career guidance service, career guidance team at the special educational or rehabilitation institution, elsewhere).

17. Career guidance, training and rehabilitation, work status, workplace, tasks carried out or being carried out, years of employment

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This information was provided/updated by:

Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, career guidance, social inclusion, social and family history information, PES career guidance service, special educational institution, rehabilitation institution, training, disability, disabled, disadvantaged groups, workplace learning, National level, Croatia, legislation, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, higher education, adult education, employment

National Strategy For Entrepreneurial Learning

Subject of the Policy document

National Strategy For Entrepreneurial Learning

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Government of the Republic of Croatia

Year of adoption 2010

Reference number 60th session of the Croatian Government

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

• Objective 1: Develop a more positive attitude of wider public towards entrepreneurship, as well as encourage a positive attitude towards life-long learning for entrepreneurship

The goal of the strategy for entrepreneurial learning sets the following, concrete tasks:
a) recognise the importance of building entrepreneurial attitudes, knowledge and skills of all citizens of Croatia,
b) better understanding of entrepreneurship in the wider sense,
c) better understanding of youth about the role and importance of developing entrepreneurial attitudes, knowledge and skills for future personal and professional development,
d) increase the interest of members of different target groups for training to develop entrepreneurial attitude, knowledge and skills;

• Objective 2: Introduce learning and training for entrepreneurship as key competencies into all forms, types and levels of formal and informal education and learning

One of the 22 activities listed for the purpose of achieving Objective 2 is: "Implement entrepreneurial competence in professional informing and guidance, and career planning and development."

• Chapter 6. REASONS FOR ENTREPRENEURIAL LEARNING includes the following:

"Every man is also a homo economicus, who is competitive on the labour market with his business abilities, and it is precisely these abilities, if entrepreneurial competences are also implemented in it, that can achieve higher value. This enables higher and permanent employability and competitiveness of the individual, and easier professional orientation when choosing the first occupation and later, in career development."

Later sections of the same chapter (6), include the following:
"The Council of Ministers has passed the Resolution on Lifelong guidance in May 2004, which emphasises the following:

1. Career guidance refers to a range of activities that enable individuals of any age and at any point in their lives to identify their capacities, competences and interests, to make educational, training and occupational decisions and to manage their own professional career.
2. Priority 1 is important for entrepreneurship development, as it says that it is necessary to encourage lifelong development of career management skills. Career management skills are the decisive factor in empowering people for active participation and assuming responsibility in crating their own learning, education and career development.
3. Such skills, which should be nurtured throughout life, are based on key competences (especially 'to learn how to learn'), social and civil competences, including intercultural competences, and on initiative and entrepreneurship."


1. Implementing entrepreneurial competence in career planning and development,
2. Improving training programmes to establish and develop enterprises
3. Increased availability of training programmes for entrepreneurship.
4. Development of entrepreneurial centres and incubators.

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This information was provided/updated by:

Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, career management skills, career guidance, professional orientation, career development, employability, competitiveness, competences and interests, formal education, informal education, entrepreneurial competence, career planning, training programmes, enterprises development, Croatia, lifelong learning, social entrepreneurship, National level, Regional level, strategy, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, social inclusion

National Strategy Of Equalization Of Possibilities For Persons With Disabilities From The Year 2007 Till The Year 2015

Subject of the Policy document

National Strategy Of Equalization Of Possibilities For Persons With Disabilities From The Year 2007 Till The Year 2015

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number Official Gazette 63/07

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

2.3. Upbringing and education

Measure 3. To provide lifelong learning for persons with disabilities with the aim to facilitate the transition between phases of education and education and employment.
Carrier: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Co-carriers: Agency for Adult Education, Agency for Education and Training, Agency for Occupational Education, Croatian Employment Service, National Examination and Assessment Centre, local and regional self-government units, associations of persons with disabilities and associations dealing with programmes providing benefit to persons with disabilities.

1. to draft a qualification framework of appropriate employments for persons with particular forms and degrees of disabilities acknowledging the demands of the labour market.
2. to develop evaluation of non-formal and informal learning
3. to encourage research on competences of young people with disabilities after primary and secondary education and compare them with competences required on the labour market
4. to provide lifelong professional informing and counselling of persons with disabilities

2.7. Professional rehabilitation, employment and labour

4. To provide access to professional orientation for persons with disabilities regardless of age, education and working status

Carrier: Croatian Employment Service and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Co-carriers: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities, Agency for Vocational Education, Agency for Adult Education, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, regional professional rehabilitation centres, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Croatian Employers' Association, Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, Croatian Institute for Public Health, associations of persons with disabilities and associations dealing with programmes providing benefits to persons with disabilities, institutions for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, professional rehabilitation and employment

1. to identify persons with disabilities having the need for professional orientation by taking into account their age, education and working status
2. to establish services for professional orientation within the educational system
3. to educate professional orientation counsellors for counselling of persons with disabilities
4. networking of professional orientation services and regional professional rehabilitation centres

Implementation indicators:
1. the number of persons with disabilities identified and forwarded to professional orientation
2. established services for professional orientation of pupils within the educational system
3. the number of experts from various systems included in education
4. the number of persons included in professional rehabilitation

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This information was provided/updated by:

Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, career guidance, professional orientation, career guidance services, career guidance counsellor, schools, disabilities, Croatia, employment, labour market, upbringing, lifelong learning, local and regional self-government units, non-formal learning, evaluation, informal learning, competences, networking, rehabilitation centres, National level, Regional level, strategy, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, adult education, social inclusion

Development Strategy Of The Vocational Education System In The Republic Of Croatia, 2008-2013

Subject of the Policy document

Development Strategy Of The Vocational Education System In The Republic Of Croatia, 2008-2013

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Goverment of the Republic of Croatia

Year of adoption 2008

Reference number 38th session of the Goverment of the Republic of Croatia

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Within the objectives of the reform of vocational education and training, one of the activities refers to permanent harmonisation of education with the needs of the labour market:
In the function of better meeting the labour market needs, it is necessary to further develop and enhance the lifelong professional orientation in vocational education, as an important tool of education and employment policy, among other also through strengthening capacities for providing services of professional orientation.

- Define the roles of all the key stakeholders and mechanisms of their cooperation by the end of 2008
- Define the work of sectoral councils by the end of 2009
- Define the methodology of labour market research by the end of 2011
- Draft an Action Plan of lifelong professional orientation in vocational education and training by the end of Q1 2012
- Collect and process the results of the labour market research by the end of 2012

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This information was provided/updated by:

Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, lifelong professional orientation, vocational training, labour market, labour market information, labour needs analysis, lifelong education, educational system, Croatia, National level, Regional level, strategy, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education

National Lifelong Guidance Council 2008-2012_HU

Subject of the Policy document

National Lifelong Guidance Council 2008-2012_HU

Reference data

Adopted/Released by

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The National Lifelong Guidance Council of Hungary was established in 2007, with the following main aims:
- to coordinate the ongoing works and developments of the Hungarian stakeholders and sectors (employment, public, higher, vocational education, social sectors)
- to harmonise the Hungarian LLG related developments with the EU priorities and goals,
- to participate in the works of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (ELGPN),
- to supervise the EU funded development of the Hungarian Lifelong Guidance system, led by the National Employment Office.

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This information was provided/updated by:

Viktória Benei

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policy, consultation, cross-sectoral co-operation, guidance system, recommendation, National level, Hungary, guideline, co-operation and co-ordination, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, social inclusion

National LLG Council_Policy Statement_HU

Subject of the Policy document

National LLG Council_Policy Statement_HU

Reference data

Adopted/Released by

Year of adoption 2008

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The aim of this policy statement is to summarise the current status of LLG and the main development trends on the basis of a historical review and to lay the foundations of a mediumterm action plan.

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This information was provided/updated by:

Viktória Benei

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policy, development, lifelong guidance, policy declaration, practice, recommendation, National level, Hungary, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, social inclusion