European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database






A developmental relationship that enhances both an individual’s growth and his/her career advancement.


Mentoring involves both career and psychosocial functions. Career functions are seen to include: sponsorship, coaching, protection, exposure and challenging work. Psychosocial functions include: role modelling, counselling, acceptance and confirmation, and friendship.
Classic mentoring usually involves a relationship between an older/more experienced person and a younger/less experienced one.


Kram, K.E. (1985). Mentoring at Work: Developmental Relationships in Organizational Life. Lanham: University Press of America.

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ELGPN Glossary, career, coaching





Help for individuals to make choices about education, training and employment.


Career or vocational guidance is often just called guidance by practitioners. Guidance is in fact an umbrella that encompasses counselling as well as activities such as informing, coaching, teaching, assessment and advocacy.
See earlier comments under ‘Career guidance’.
Sometimes used as a synonym for career guidance or vocational guidance.


Hawthorn, R. (1991). Who Offers Guidance. Sheffield: Employment Department.

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ELGPN Glossary, career choice, career guidance, coaching, vocational guidance, career counselling, services, guidance





A process designed to focus on skill development and behaviour change to deliver improved performance. Coaching is usually delivered one-to-one.


Some careers professionals have labelled the work they do as ‘career coaching’ or as ‘career/life coaching’.
Much coaching aims to improve the performance and leadership skills of managers, and coaches are often brought into an organisation from outside. However, some employers are starting to emphasise the coaching role of managers in relation to the employees that work for them, contrasting this to other roles that managers have as leaders, managers and mentors.
Coaching is both performance-focused (which means that it is concerned with helping individuals perform tasks to the best of their abilities) and also person-centred (which means that it is the individuals being coached who are seen as having the important insights) (Somers, 2012).
Other definitions include:
• Coaching is unlocking a person’s potential to maximise their own performance; helping them to learn rather than teaching them (Gallwey, 1974).
• A collaborative solution-focused, results-orientated and systematic process in which the coach facilitates the enhancement of work performance, life experience, self-directed learning and personal growth of the coachee (Greene & Grant, 2003).


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ELGPN Glossary, coaching, skills, mentor, work performance, self-directed learning

Career guidance


Career guidance


A range of activities that enable citizens of any age, and at any point in their lives, to identify their capacities, competences and interests; to make meaningful educational, training and occupational decisions; and to manage their individual life paths in learning, work and other settings in which these capacities and competences are learned and/or used.


Career guidance is defined in the same way as lifelong guidance.
Guidance is provided in a range of settings: education, training, employment, community, and private.
Career or vocational guidance is often just called guidance by practitioners. Guidance is in fact an umbrella that encompasses counselling as well as activities such as informing, coaching, teaching, assessment and advocacy.
It is treated as a synonym of guidance and vocational guidance. Educational guidance, however, has been treated as a more specific term.


Council of the European Union, (2008). Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. Available from Internet:

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ELGPN Glossary, career guidance, guidance, career, competences, decision-making, life path, vocational, practitioners, counselling, coaching