European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


Co-ordination mechanisms


Co-ordination mechanisms


Processes, systems or organisational structures used to facilitate people or organisations co-ordinating their work or interventions together.


Co-ordination of lifelong guidance activities is likely to require a co-ordinating structure, with operational powers and funding (and possibly a contract or legal mandate). The establishment of national fora is one way that has been used to encourage co-ordination of lifelong guidance activities.
It could also involve the sharing of responsibility for different activities in a programme of careers work.


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ELGPN Glossary, co-ordination, process, system, lifelong, guidance

Co-operation mechanisms


Co-operation mechanisms


Processes, systems or organisational structures used to facilitate people or organisations working together.


Lifelong guidance requires co-operation between partners, within existing structures. This might be largely informal in nature, or based on a co-operation agreement with decision-making powers being retained by each partner.
Co-operation mechanisms could cover a variety of settings, e.g. between different levels in education/training, across national boundaries, or between education and the labour market. They could also cover co-operation between individuals working in different settings or between the organisations they work for.


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ELGPN Glossary, co-operation, process, system, decision-making