European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service

Subject of the Policy document

Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Croatian Employment Service

Year of adoption 2005

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The material describes how career guidance services are provided in regional offices as well as those possible activities now provided in only some of the offices. Improving the career guidance system presumes introduction of new types of services for specific groups of users and ensures co-ordinated action between different departments of the CES. Precondition for introduction of new services is a continuous investment into upgrading of counsellors’ competences.

The overall goal in the quality management system is:
• CES services quality standardisation
• That the activities of the Employment Service are more visible and transparent to the users and public
• That the services provided are within the resources allocated and the legislation framed, that they match best the needs of the users
• Permanent training for the CES employees in order to gain needed competences
• That the changes i.e. adjustments are made in accordance with users’ needs and potential
• To ensure a nation wide concept in delivering services, with possibilities for regional variations

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This information was provided/updated by:

Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

No comments by users.

policy, access, administration, adult education, advisory services, apprenticeship, availability, career counselling, career guidance, career information, career management skills, career planning, co-operation and co-ordination, competence assessment, counsellor training, Croatia, guidance services, development plan, disadvantaged groups, education planning, education provision, effectiveness, employees, employer, employment services, evaluation criteria, evaluation data, evaluation guidelines, evaluation outcome, evidence-based, group counselling, guidance provision, human resource management, implementation, in-company training, individual counselling, information services, labour market, standard development, people at risk, people with disabilities, personality assessment, PES, quality assurance, quality evaluation, student counseling, young people, Staff working document, Regional level, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, employment, social inclusion


Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy



The Danish Ministry of Children and Education launched eGuidance in January 2011. It provides individual and personal guidance to all citizens via various virtual communication channels: chat, telephone, SMS, e-mail and Facebook. eGuidance is for everyone who wants information about education and employment; it may also refer users to other guidance tools ( and to institutions for further guidance. It is especially targeted at resourceful young people and their parents, to give them easy access to independent information and guidance and thereby to motivate the young people to continue the search and clarification process on their own. It plays a central role as a guide to the national guidance portal, and as a communicator of guidance information etc. Use of Facebook was introduced in January 2012, enabling eGuidance to provide guidance in a common forum and in the social media ( Users can contact eGuidance during the day and evening as well as at weekends.

I am proposing that this example will be published also in the KSLLL database


1. Background

What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?

- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)

- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)

- Participants

The Danish Ministry of Children and Education launched eGuidance in January 2011. E-guidance is established providing opportunity for personal guidance through “e-channels”
Primarily aimed at resourceful youths and their parents

Aims and targets

- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)

- Target group

- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)

eGuidance provides individual and personal guidance to all citizens via various virtual communication channels: chat, telephone, SMS, e-mail and Facebook. eGuidance is for everyone who wants information about education and employment; it may also refer users to other guidance tools ( and to institutions for further guidance. It is especially targeted at resourceful young people and their parents, to give them easy access to independent information and guidance and thereby to motivate the young people to continue the search and clarification process on their own. It plays a central role as a guide to the national guidance portal, and as a communicator of guidance information etc. Use of Facebook was introduced in January 2012, enabling eGuidance to provide guidance in a common forum and in the social media ( Users can contact eGuidance during the day and evening as well as at weekends.

2. Implementation

Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)

- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)

- Implementation (description)

eGuidance is a national service and is manned by professional guidance counsellors and cooperates with the youth guidance centres, the regional guidance centres and the national guidance portal

Monitoring and evaluation

- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?

- What actors are involved?

eGuidance is evaluated together with all other initiatives in the new Act on Guidance in 2010. eGuidance.

The Ministry of Education is the main stakeholder of the quality assurance system in the educational sector on a national level, as well as the main organisations for managers and guidance counsellors. eGuidance has establish a quality assurance system, which can be used to document activities, quality and effect on clients and society. Several indicators are included in the quality assurance system. Among the indicators are user surveys, based on nationally representative samples of pupils and students, responding on the same questionnaire. The user surveys are designed to provide information on user benefit of guidance in order to create the basis for a user-driven development. Based on inputs from guidance counsellors, the user surveys make it possible to compare and evaluate the user benefit of different types of guidance activities

3. Outcomes

Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)

- Specific results

- Cost effectiveness

- Budget

- Innovative aspects

Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)

- Lessons learnt

- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)

Strengths and weaknesses

- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?

- Are there still challenges ahead?

4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative

Additional information

Name of contact

Steffen Jensen

Role (in policy initiative)

Organization name

Ministry og Children and Education


Frederiksholms Kanal 26





Website address

Documents and publications

Attached files

No attachment files.


This information was provided/updated by:

Hanne woller

No comments by users.

good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, employment, guidance in schools, unemployed, employed, career information, Denmark