European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


Work experience


Work experience


Knowledge, skills and competences acquired by an individual during their working life.
This term is also used to describe short periods of work-based learning (commonly carried out while the individual is participating in a related education or training programme) or working as a trainee or intern in order to gain experience of a particular occupation or type of work.


It is important to distinguish the two common meanings of this term.
See ‘Work-based learning’


Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary. Result of Leonardo da Vinci programme project “Overcoming Intercultural and Linguistic Barriers in Continuously Accessible Vocational Guidance and Counselling” (project No LT/03/B/F/LA-171023). Available from Internet:

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ELGPN Glossary, competences, skills, knowledge, working life, vocational education, work, work-based learning

Work practice


Work practice


The opportunity to participate in work activities in order to gain experience and develop appropriate work skills and attitudes to work.


See ‘Work experience’.


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ELGPN Glossary, skills, work, experience

Transversal skills


Transversal skills


The skills individuals have which are relevant to jobs and occupations other than the ones they currently have or have recently had. These skills may also have been acquired through non-work or leisure activities or through participation in education or training.
More generally, these are skills which have been learned in one context or to master a special situation/problem and can be transferred to another context.


The term ‘transversal skills’ has largely replaced the term ‘transferable skills’.


Cedefop (2008a). European Training Thesaurus. Luxembourg: Publications Office. Available from Internet:

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ELGPN Glossary, competences, skills, employability, lifelong learning, skills development, work





A portfolio is designed to be a record of the competences (skills, knowledge and abilities) and experiences of an individual. It may list formal qualifications or include examples of work as well as recording training courses, work experience and non-work activities undertaken by the individual.


The development of portfolios is an increasingly common career education activity in schools and universities.


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ELGPN Glossary, competences, skills, knowledge, qualifications, work, record

Labour Act

Subject of the Policy document

Labour Act

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2009/2011

Reference number Official Gazette 149/09, 61/11

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 5.
(1) The employer shall assign a worker a job and pay him or her for the work carried out, and the worker shall perform personally the job assigned, following the employer's instructions given according to the nature and the type of work,
(2) The employer has the right to specify the location and manner of carrying out the work, while respecting the rights and dignity of the worker.
(3) The employer shall, in accordance with a separate law and other regulations, provide the employee with safe working conditions that are not hazardous to the health of employees.
(4) Direct and indirect discrimination in the field of labour and labour conditions shall be prohibited, which includes selection criteria and employment requirements, promotion requirements, vocational guidance, vocational training, additional training and retraining, in accordance with special law.
(5) The employer shall protect employees' dignity during work from such treatment by superiors, peers and persons with whom employees come into regular contact during their work that is unwanted and contrary to separate law.

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, employment, employment requirements, employees' dignity, work, working conditions, vocational guidance, vocational training, additional training, rights and dignity of the worker, access, active placement, nature of work, type of work, Croatia, employees, employer, employment services, legislation, career management skills, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, adult education, social inclusion

Psychological Activity Act

Subject of the Policy document

Psychological Activity Act

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2003

Reference number Official Gazette 47/03

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 3
A general purpose of psychological activities is to improve quality of life of individuals, groups and communities. Psychological activities are included in all areas of human life, especially in areas which relate to work and organization of work, employment and career guidance, communication and market, education, research and analysis, health care, sport, social care, transport, judiciary, military and police.

Article 7
Implementation of psychological activity which is not covered by undergraduate education and it covers more demanding forms of work in the area of clinical, health, penological, forensic, military, pedagogical and educational psychology, psychology of work, sports, special care, career guidance and medicine of work requires of each psychologist, in additional to the basic working permit, a special certificate.

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, psychological activities, quality of life, work, organization of work, employment, career guidance, communication and market, education, research and analysis, health care, sport, social care, transport, judiciary, military and police, Croatia, legislation, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education, social inclusion