European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service

Subject of the Policy document

Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Croatian Employment Service

Year of adoption 2005

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The material describes how career guidance services are provided in regional offices as well as those possible activities now provided in only some of the offices. Improving the career guidance system presumes introduction of new types of services for specific groups of users and ensures co-ordinated action between different departments of the CES. Precondition for introduction of new services is a continuous investment into upgrading of counsellors’ competences.

The overall goal in the quality management system is:
• CES services quality standardisation
• That the activities of the Employment Service are more visible and transparent to the users and public
• That the services provided are within the resources allocated and the legislation framed, that they match best the needs of the users
• Permanent training for the CES employees in order to gain needed competences
• That the changes i.e. adjustments are made in accordance with users’ needs and potential
• To ensure a nation wide concept in delivering services, with possibilities for regional variations

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, access, administration, adult education, advisory services, apprenticeship, availability, career counselling, career guidance, career information, career management skills, career planning, co-operation and co-ordination, competence assessment, counsellor training, Croatia, guidance services, development plan, disadvantaged groups, education planning, education provision, effectiveness, employees, employer, employment services, evaluation criteria, evaluation data, evaluation guidelines, evaluation outcome, evidence-based, group counselling, guidance provision, human resource management, implementation, in-company training, individual counselling, information services, labour market, standard development, people at risk, people with disabilities, personality assessment, PES, quality assurance, quality evaluation, student counseling, young people, Staff working document, Regional level, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, employment, social inclusion

Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity - Draft Council Conclusions

Subject of the Policy document

Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity - Draft Council Conclusions

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Council of the European Union

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number 15497/07

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Draft Council conclusion, which sets out the key principles of flexicurity. While the document makes no direct reference to lifelong guidance, it is an underlying assumption in one of the four policy components of flexicurity, Comprehensive lifelong learning strategies.

Please also see the Commission Communication (Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity) and the Council Secretariat's Report by the "flexicurity" mission on the implementation of the flexicurity, both availabe in this database.

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File: Council (2007) Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity, draft council conclusions.pdf (90 KB)

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Outi Ruusuvirta

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ELGPN, legislation, policy, adult education, advisory services, career management skills, companies, employment, labour force, labour market, labour market policy, PES, public employment service, transition, unemployed, flexibility, security, flexicurity, support measures, European union, Conclusion, social inclusion

Implementation of the common principles of flexicurity within the framework of the 2008-2010 round of the Lisbon Strategy - Report by the "flexicurity" mission

Subject of the Policy document

Implementation of the common principles of flexicurity within the framework of the 2008-2010 round of the Lisbon Strategy - Report by the "flexicurity" mission

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Council of the European Union

Year of adoption 2008

Reference number 17047/1/08 REV 1 (en)

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

A report by the Flexicurity mission to facilitate mutual learning in implementation of flexicurity policies.

Through examples from member countries, the report emphasises the role of public employment services in providing guidance services (p. 6 & 9).

The report also points to the importance of the dialogue between the social partners and stakeholder in order to provide approriate occupation guidance (p. 10).

Please also see the Commission Communication (Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity) and the Draft Council Conclusions by the same name, both availabe in this database.

Attached files

File: Council (2008) Implementation of the common principles of flexicurity within the framework of the 2008-10 round of Lisbon Strategy, Report by the flexicurity mission.pdf (198 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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policy, adult education, advisory services, career management skills, companies, employment, labour force, labour market, labour market policy, PES, public employment service, transition, unemployed, flexibility, security, flexicurity, support measures, guidance, European union, Report, Finland, France, Poland, Spain, Sweden, social inclusion

Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity: More and better jobs through flexibility and security

Subject of the Policy document

Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity: More and better jobs through flexibility and security

Reference data

Adopted/Released by European Commission

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number COM(2007) 359 final

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Commission communication, which sets out the key principles of flexicurity. While the document makes no direct reference to lifelong guidance, it is an underlying assumption in one of the four policy components of flexicurity, Comprehensive lifelong learning strategies.

Please also see the Council Conclusions (Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity) and the Council Secretariat's Report by the "flexicurity" mission on the implementation of the flexicurity, both availabe in this database.

Attached files

File: European Commission (2007) Towards Common Principles of Flexicurity, more and better jobs through flexibility and security.pdf (86 KB)

This information was provided/updated by:

Outi Ruusuvirta

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ELGPN, legislation, policy, adult education, advisory services, career management skills, companies, employment, labour force, labour market, labour market policy, PES, public employment service, transition, unemployed, flexibility, security, flexicurity, support measures, European union, communication, strategy, social inclusion

National Strategy Of Equalization Of Possibilities For Persons With Disabilities From The Year 2007 Till The Year 2015

Subject of the Policy document

National Strategy Of Equalization Of Possibilities For Persons With Disabilities From The Year 2007 Till The Year 2015

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2007

Reference number Official Gazette 63/07

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

2.3. Upbringing and education

Measure 3. To provide lifelong learning for persons with disabilities with the aim to facilitate the transition between phases of education and education and employment.
Carrier: Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Co-carriers: Agency for Adult Education, Agency for Education and Training, Agency for Occupational Education, Croatian Employment Service, National Examination and Assessment Centre, local and regional self-government units, associations of persons with disabilities and associations dealing with programmes providing benefit to persons with disabilities.

1. to draft a qualification framework of appropriate employments for persons with particular forms and degrees of disabilities acknowledging the demands of the labour market.
2. to develop evaluation of non-formal and informal learning
3. to encourage research on competences of young people with disabilities after primary and secondary education and compare them with competences required on the labour market
4. to provide lifelong professional informing and counselling of persons with disabilities

2.7. Professional rehabilitation, employment and labour

4. To provide access to professional orientation for persons with disabilities regardless of age, education and working status

Carrier: Croatian Employment Service and Ministry of Science, Education and Sports
Co-carriers: Ministry of Economy, Labour and Entrepreneurship, Fund for Professional Rehabilitation and Employment of Persons with Disabilities, Agency for Vocational Education, Agency for Adult Education, Ministry of Health and Social Welfare, regional professional rehabilitation centres, Faculty of Special Education and Rehabilitation, Croatian Employers' Association, Croatian Pension Insurance Institute, Croatian Institute for Public Health, associations of persons with disabilities and associations dealing with programmes providing benefits to persons with disabilities, institutions for the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, professional rehabilitation and employment

1. to identify persons with disabilities having the need for professional orientation by taking into account their age, education and working status
2. to establish services for professional orientation within the educational system
3. to educate professional orientation counsellors for counselling of persons with disabilities
4. networking of professional orientation services and regional professional rehabilitation centres

Implementation indicators:
1. the number of persons with disabilities identified and forwarded to professional orientation
2. established services for professional orientation of pupils within the educational system
3. the number of experts from various systems included in education
4. the number of persons included in professional rehabilitation

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, career guidance, professional orientation, career guidance services, career guidance counsellor, schools, disabilities, Croatia, employment, labour market, upbringing, lifelong learning, local and regional self-government units, non-formal learning, evaluation, informal learning, competences, networking, rehabilitation centres, National level, Regional level, strategy, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, adult education, social inclusion

Labour market information systems


Labour market information systems


Systems, mechanisms or processes for gathering, organising and providing information about the state of the labour market and/or professions and jobs. This includes recording changes taking place within the labour market, employment, jobs and the professions.


Such systems often include databases linked to ICT systems and accessible via the internet. They are usually designed to be used by career counsellors and also by clients on a self-help basis.


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ELGPN Glossary, data base, ICT, information, labour market, system





The process of moving from one education, employment or training situation to another. This would include a move out of the labour market, for example into unemployment or to look after children, and the move back into employment, education or training after a period of not being in work, education or training.


Many lifelong guidance activities are designed to support people making transitions of one kind or another.
See also definition of ‘School-to-work transition’.


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ELGPN Glossary, labour market, unemployment, training, education, transition





An integrated strategy for enhancing, at the same time, flexibility and security in the labour market. Flexicurity attempts to reconcile employers' need for a flexible workforce with workers' need for security – confidence that they will not face long periods of unemployment.


The European Commission in its Employment in Europe 2006 report describes flexicurity as an optimal balance between labour market flexibility and security for employees against labour market risks. The Commission’s interpretation of flexicurity involves replacing the notion of job security, a principle that dominated employment relations until recently, with that of ‘protection of people’. The flexicurity model, first implemented in Denmark by the social democratic Prime Minister Poul Nyrup Rasmussen in the 1990s, is a combination of easy hiring and firing (flexibility for employers) and high benefits for the unemployed (security for the employees). Perceived as a new way of viewing flexibility, flexicurity represents a means whereby employees and companies can better adapt to insecurities associated with global markets.
The EU has identified a set of common flexicurity principles and is exploring how countries can implement them through four components:
• flexible and reliable contractual arrangements;
• comprehensive lifelong learning strategies;
• effective active labour market policies;
• modern social security systems.
See Sutlana (2011) for a discussion of the implications for lifelong guidance of the concept of Flexicurity.


European Commission: European Employment Strategy: What is flexicurity? Available from Internet:

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ELGPN Glossary, flexibility, labour force, labour market, policy, security, social security

Development Strategy Of The Vocational Education System In The Republic Of Croatia, 2008-2013

Subject of the Policy document

Development Strategy Of The Vocational Education System In The Republic Of Croatia, 2008-2013

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Goverment of the Republic of Croatia

Year of adoption 2008

Reference number 38th session of the Goverment of the Republic of Croatia

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Within the objectives of the reform of vocational education and training, one of the activities refers to permanent harmonisation of education with the needs of the labour market:
In the function of better meeting the labour market needs, it is necessary to further develop and enhance the lifelong professional orientation in vocational education, as an important tool of education and employment policy, among other also through strengthening capacities for providing services of professional orientation.

- Define the roles of all the key stakeholders and mechanisms of their cooperation by the end of 2008
- Define the work of sectoral councils by the end of 2009
- Define the methodology of labour market research by the end of 2011
- Draft an Action Plan of lifelong professional orientation in vocational education and training by the end of Q1 2012
- Collect and process the results of the labour market research by the end of 2012

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, lifelong professional orientation, vocational training, labour market, labour market information, labour needs analysis, lifelong education, educational system, Croatia, National level, Regional level, strategy, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, adult education

Act On Employment Mediation And Rights During Unemployment

Subject of the Policy document

Act On Employment Mediation And Rights During Unemployment

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2008/2009/2010

Reference number Official Gazette 80/08, 94/09, 121/10

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 1
This Act regulates employment mediation, career guidance, education and training with the aim of increasing the labour force, insurance during unemployment, activities in the labour market with the aim of promoting spatial and professional mobility of the labour force, new employment and self-employment, financial resources for activities of the Croatian Employment Service (hereinafter: CES) and its structure, management and activities.

Article 22
Employment preparation includes the following:
1) career guidance,
2) introduction to methods and techniques of active job seeking,
3) training for employment,
4) professional rehabilitation.

Article 23
(1) Career guidance refers to a number of professional activities which define possibilities, interests and competences of clients, so that they make decisions on their education, training and employment and thus manage their professional development.
(2) Career guidance includes informing, counselling and monitoring of professional development of persons from Paragraph 1 thereof.
(3) Career guidance services are delivered to unemployed persons and other job seekers, pupils and students.

Article 63
CES performs the following activities:
1) monitors, analyses and keeps track of economic, social and other trends, employment figures, employment and unemployment and their mutual cooperation and impacts based on which it proposes measures for promotion of employment,
2) keeps register on unemployment persons and other persons, mediates in employment between employers and job seekers, monitors employment needs, their employment and , in that sense, cooperates with employers,
3) in cooperation with employers, educational institutions and other legal entities, organizes and implements career guidance services, training and other forms of active employment policies …
4) collaborates with educational institutions in order to harmonize curricula with demand for the labour force and implementation of career guidance ...

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Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, active placement, assessment, career guidance services, career planning, Croatia, job seeking, labour market, labour market participation, public employment service, training for employment, proffesional rehabilitation, legislation, career management skills, access, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, adult education, employment, social inclusion