European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database


Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service

Subject of the Policy document

Quality Standards For The Vocational Guidance and Selection Services At The Croatian Employment Service

Reference data

Adopted/Released by Croatian Employment Service

Year of adoption 2005

Reference number

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

The material describes how career guidance services are provided in regional offices as well as those possible activities now provided in only some of the offices. Improving the career guidance system presumes introduction of new types of services for specific groups of users and ensures co-ordinated action between different departments of the CES. Precondition for introduction of new services is a continuous investment into upgrading of counsellors’ competences.

The overall goal in the quality management system is:
• CES services quality standardisation
• That the activities of the Employment Service are more visible and transparent to the users and public
• That the services provided are within the resources allocated and the legislation framed, that they match best the needs of the users
• Permanent training for the CES employees in order to gain needed competences
• That the changes i.e. adjustments are made in accordance with users’ needs and potential
• To ensure a nation wide concept in delivering services, with possibilities for regional variations

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This information was provided/updated by:

Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

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policy, access, administration, adult education, advisory services, apprenticeship, availability, career counselling, career guidance, career information, career management skills, career planning, co-operation and co-ordination, competence assessment, counsellor training, Croatia, guidance services, development plan, disadvantaged groups, education planning, education provision, effectiveness, employees, employer, employment services, evaluation criteria, evaluation data, evaluation guidelines, evaluation outcome, evidence-based, group counselling, guidance provision, human resource management, implementation, in-company training, individual counselling, information services, labour market, standard development, people at risk, people with disabilities, personality assessment, PES, quality assurance, quality evaluation, student counseling, young people, Staff working document, Regional level, quality assurance and evidence-base, schools, VET, higher education, employment, social inclusion

Labour Act

Subject of the Policy document

Labour Act

Reference data

Adopted/Released by The Croatian Parliament

Year of adoption 2009/2011

Reference number Official Gazette 149/09, 61/11

Available at http://

Available in English at http://

1. Additional narrative description of the reference to Lifelong Guidance

Article 5.
(1) The employer shall assign a worker a job and pay him or her for the work carried out, and the worker shall perform personally the job assigned, following the employer's instructions given according to the nature and the type of work,
(2) The employer has the right to specify the location and manner of carrying out the work, while respecting the rights and dignity of the worker.
(3) The employer shall, in accordance with a separate law and other regulations, provide the employee with safe working conditions that are not hazardous to the health of employees.
(4) Direct and indirect discrimination in the field of labour and labour conditions shall be prohibited, which includes selection criteria and employment requirements, promotion requirements, vocational guidance, vocational training, additional training and retraining, in accordance with special law.
(5) The employer shall protect employees' dignity during work from such treatment by superiors, peers and persons with whom employees come into regular contact during their work that is unwanted and contrary to separate law.

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This information was provided/updated by:

Croatian Employment Service (CES), Employment Preparation Department

No comments by users.

policy, employment, employment requirements, employees' dignity, work, working conditions, vocational guidance, vocational training, additional training, rights and dignity of the worker, access, active placement, nature of work, type of work, Croatia, employees, employer, employment services, legislation, career management skills, co-operation and co-ordination, quality assurance and evidence-base, adult education, social inclusion