European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database






A developmental relationship that enhances both an individual’s growth and his/her career advancement.


Mentoring involves both career and psychosocial functions. Career functions are seen to include: sponsorship, coaching, protection, exposure and challenging work. Psychosocial functions include: role modelling, counselling, acceptance and confirmation, and friendship.
Classic mentoring usually involves a relationship between an older/more experienced person and a younger/less experienced one.


Kram, K.E. (1985). Mentoring at Work: Developmental Relationships in Organizational Life. Lanham: University Press of America.

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Guidance counsellor


Guidance counsellor


A trained individual delivering guidance as defined above.
Guidance counsellors assist people to explore, pursue and attain their career goals.


Synonym for career adviser and career counsellor.


Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary. Result of Leonardo da Vinci programme project “Overcoming Intercultural and Linguistic Barriers in Continuously Accessible Vocational Guidance and Counselling” (project No LT/03/B/F/LA-171023). Available from Internet:

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Career centre


Career centre


A place where people go to receive career guidance.


A career centre may offer a range of different services or interventions and these may range from self-help materials (e.g. books, information sources or access to ICT-based career support) to one-to-one support from a career counsellor.
It is also possible to envisage a virtual career centre – i.e. an online career portal – being considered as a particular type of career centre.


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Career management skills


Career management skills


A range of competences which provide structured ways for individuals (and groups) to gather, analyse, synthesise and organise self, educational and occupational information, as well as the skills to make and implement decisions and transitions.


Career management skills are the life, learning, training and employment skills which people need to develop and manage their careers effectively.


European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network (2010). Lifelong Guidance Policies: Work in Progress. A report on the work of the European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network 2008–10.

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Career management


Career management


An ongoing process of preparing, implementing, and monitoring career plans.


Sometimes career management is carried out by the individual on their own; but in some situations career management involves others, such as an individual’s employer, working together with the individual.


Storey, W.D. (1976). Career Dimensions I, II, III, and IV. Croton on Hudson, New York: General Electric Company. Cited in Hall, D.T. & Associates (1986). Career Development in Organizations. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.

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Career guidance


Career guidance


A range of activities that enable citizens of any age, and at any point in their lives, to identify their capacities, competences and interests; to make meaningful educational, training and occupational decisions; and to manage their individual life paths in learning, work and other settings in which these capacities and competences are learned and/or used.


Career guidance is defined in the same way as lifelong guidance.
Guidance is provided in a range of settings: education, training, employment, community, and private.
Career or vocational guidance is often just called guidance by practitioners. Guidance is in fact an umbrella that encompasses counselling as well as activities such as informing, coaching, teaching, assessment and advocacy.
It is treated as a synonym of guidance and vocational guidance. Educational guidance, however, has been treated as a more specific term.


Council of the European Union, (2008). Council Resolution on better integrating lifelong guidance into lifelong learning strategies. Available from Internet:

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Career education


Career education


Programmes and activities of learning to help people to develop the skills necessary to manage their career and life pathway. These include accessing and making effective use of career information and guidance.


Other definitions include:
• The systematic cooperation of educational institutions, parents and society in assisting young people and adults to acquire knowledge and skills that will enable them to make rational vocational decisions (Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary).
• The development of knowledge, skills and attitudes through a planned programme of learning experiences in education and training settings which will assist students to make informed decisions about their study and/or work options and enable effective participation in working life (Australian Ministerial Council for Employment, Education, Training and Youth Affairs, 1998).


Institute of Career Guidance: Careers Education Committee. Available from Internet:

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Career development


Career development


The lifelong process of managing learning, work, leisure and transitions in order to move towards a personally determined and evolving future.


Career development is also used to describe the outcome of this process.
Other definitions include:
• The total constellation of economic, sociological, psychological, educational, physical and chance factors that combine to shape one’s career (Sears, 1982).
• The continuous planning carried out to advance a person's career based on experience and on any training undertaken to upgrade qualifications or to acquire new ones (UNESCO).


Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary. Result of Leonardo da Vinci programme project “Overcoming Intercultural and Linguistic Barriers in Continuously Accessible Vocational Guidance and Counselling” (project No LT/03/B/F/LA-171023). Available from Internet:

Canadian Career Development Foundation (2002). Career Development: A Primer and a Glossary.

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Career decision-making


Career decision-making


The process of making a choice between particular career alternatives.


This definition does not set out to describe the nature of the process (e.g. rational, logical, etc) by which a career decision has been made or what aspects (e.g. individual, job characteristics, etc) have been considered. An alternative definition of career decision that emphasises these elements is:
• The choice of a particular option as the result of a logical series of steps used to identify and match individual aims and organisational development/labour market needs (Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary).


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Career counsellor


Career counsellor


Career counsellors assist people to explore, pursue and attain their career goals.


Career advisers/counsellors have normally received professional training and possess a recognised professional qualification.
Other definitions include:
• A professional trained in career guidance that is able to assist others to make rational career choices (Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary).
• A career counsellor provides counselling in educational, career and personal domains. A career counsellor assists individuals to achieve greater self-awareness, develop a life/work direction, increase understanding of learning and work opportunities and become self-directed in managing learning, work and transitions (Canada Career Information Partnership, 2006).
Synonym for career adviser and guidance counsellor.


UNESCO (2002). Handbook of Career Counselling. Available from Internet:

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Career counselling


Career counselling


The interaction between a career/guidance counsellor and an individual.
An individual or group process which emphasises self-awareness and understanding, and facilitates the development of a satisfying and meaningful life/work direction as a basis to guide learning, work and transition decisions, as well as how to manage responses to changing work and learning environments over the lifespan.


Other definitions include:
• Career counselling facilitates the learning of skills, interests, beliefs, values, work habits, and personal qualities to enable each participant to create a satisfying life in a constantly changing work environment (Krumboltz & Worthington, 1999).
• The career counselling process is focussed on helping individuals not to choose a career but to construct it (Watts, 2000).


Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary. Result of Leonardo da Vinci programme project “Overcoming Intercultural and Linguistic Barriers in Continuously Accessible Vocational Guidance and Counselling” (project No LT/03/B/F/LA-171023). Available from Internet:

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Career information systems


Career information systems


Systems, often computer-based or online but also in print, designed to aid an individual or a group in their choice of career, employment, occupation or work by gathering together, organising and providing information about specific occupations, professions or organisations including descriptions of pay, conditions, training, qualifications and experience required.


A career information system also comprises the databases that are used as sources of information.


Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary. Result of Leonardo da Vinci programme project “Overcoming Intercultural and Linguistic Barriers in Continuously Accessible Vocational Guidance and Counselling” (project No LT/03/B/F/LA-171023). Available from Internet:

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Career adviser


Career adviser


Career advisers assist people to explore, pursue and attain their career goals.


Career advisers/counsellors have normally received professional training and possess a recognised professional qualification.
Synonym for career counsellor and guidance counsellor.


UNESCO (2002). Available from Internet:

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The interaction of work roles and other life roles over a person’s lifespan, including how they balance paid and unpaid work, and their involvement in learning and education.


The main issue is whether a definition focuses exclusively employment; employment and training; or adopts the broadest of all conceptions to include non-work activities.
There are a large number of definitions of ‘career’ in the academic literature. For example:
• the evolving sequence of a person's work experience over time (Arthur et al., 1989);
• a career is the sequence of employment-related positions, roles, activities and experiences encountered by a person (Arnold, 1997);
• career is viewed broadly to stress life roles and lifestyles, occupation being considered only one part of career (Hansen & Gysbers, 1975);
• the individual’s lifelong progression in learning and work (Watts, 1998).
Other definitions include:
The sequence of various socially significant human roles deriving from an individual’s work, learning, self-expression and leisure activities and spanning the individual’s working life, work locations, positions and achievements. (Career Guidance and Counselling Glossary, undated).
A career is the sequence and variety of occupations (paid and unpaid) which one undertakes throughout a lifetime. More broadly, 'career ' includes life roles, leisure activities, learning and work (University of Sydney Careers Centre Glossary of Career Terms, undated).
Career is a lifestyle concept that involves the sequence of work, learning and leisure activities in which one engages throughout a lifetime. Careers are unique to each person and are dynamic, unfolding throughout life. Careers include how persons balance their paid and unpaid work and personal life roles (Canadian Career Development Foundation, 2002).


UNESCO (2002). Handbook of Career Counselling. Available from Internet:

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