European Lifelong Guidance Policy Network Database, ELGPN Database

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Name of the good/interesting practice/initiative/policy

Model of the career management services in HE in Lithuania



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1. Background

What makes this an example of good/interesting practice/initiative/policy?
- The motivation of the initiative (What is the history/background of the policy?)
- Linkages with LLG policy priorities (Please add references to other national/EU policies or documents)
- Participants
The Model of the career management services for students in higher education was developed as a part of an EU-funded project implemented by Vilnius University in partnership with 27 other higher education institutions in Lithuania. Model represents an example of the agreement reached between the Ministry, university authorities, guidance practitioners and experts.
The initiative to develop the Model of the career management services for students in higher education represents the bottom-up guidance policy development. The process was provoked by the need to reach the shared understanding of the nature and principles of career management services which should be provided to the students in higher education.
The Model was created in accordance with the Council Resolution on Better Integrating Lifelong Guidance into Lifelong Learning Strategies, 2008.

Aims and targets
- Objectives of the initiative (What did the policy set out to achieve?)
- Target group
- Methods applied to reach the objective (technological and /or pedagogical)
The Model of the career management services for students in higher education is aimed at the career guidance policy-makers and higher education institutions which implement this policy by providing career services to students in Career centres. It was approved by the Ministry of Education and Science in 2011 and is recommended by the Ministry to be implemented in the higher education sector.

The Model describes the overall system of career management services in higher education institutions: their mission, vision, goals, tasks and evaluation criteria as well as group of main career management services. It also includes description of principles of career management services provision and organisational and financial issues.

The Model was developed by the group of experts as a part of an EU-funded project implemented by Vilnius University in partnership with 27 other higher education institutions in Lithuania

2. Implementation

Strategy and actions (Please describe the approach adopted to make the reform work and any actions taken.)
- Level of implementation (national, regional etc.)
- Implementation (description)
The Model of the career management services for students in higher education is being implemented on national level in the course of the EU-funded project by Vilnius University in partnership with 27 other higher education institutions (2010-2014). The career centres of the higher education institutions are providing to their students 5 types of career services (face-to face as well as web-based) described in the Model. This process is complemented by the career monitoring system, developing of career materials, standards for career service delivery, etc.

Monitoring and evaluation
- What has been put in place for monitoring and evaluation?
- What actors are involved?
The Model described the result and outcome criteria for the evaluation aims and tasks of the system of career management services on national and institution level. The aims of the Model are evaluated on national level by the outcome criteria related to the benefits to students:

- Number and percentage of students, which received career services;
- Number of different type and group of career services provided to students;
- Number of qualified career counselors in higher education institutions;
- Number of students who are registered users of web-based career management system;
- Number of higher education institutions in which career centres were established or renewed;
- The tasks of the Model are evaluated on institutional level by product criteria related to the material and intellectual products and services which are created by using the allocated resources. This type of criteria is defined by the higher education institutions in respect to their priorities and particularity.

The evaluation of aims and tasks of the system of career management services on national level is defined by the Ministry of Education and Science, on institutions level – by higher education institutions. The data for both evaluations are provided by the higher education institutions.

3. Outcomes

Achievements (Please describe the main outcomes/results according to the following headings. Each option can be answered - up to 50 words)
- Specific results
- Cost effectiveness
- Budget
- Innovative aspects
The career centres of the higher education institutions are providing to their students career services in accordance to the Model of the career management services for students. Career services are provided using the EU-funds (2010-2014) and with own higher education institution’s budget. Creation of the model and agreement on core principles of career management services provision as well as related initiatives related to standards for career services, training of career counselors, development of new career materials and web-based career management system helps to ensure the provisions of quality comprehensive career services to students.

Success factors (What key success factors have led to or prevented success?)
- Lessons learnt
- Unintended impacts (Have there been any unintended impacts? Positive or negative?)
The success lies in the bottom-up guidance policy development approach and initiative taken by Vilnius University in partnership with 27 other higher education institutions as well as involvement of other stakeholders and social partners in the process.

Strengths and weaknesses
- What areas of the policy can we learn lessons from?
- Are there still challenges ahead?
Higher education institutions are independent bodies therefore it is of high importance to reach the shared understanding of the nature and principles of career management services which should be provided to the students in higher education. In order to keep the quality career service provision in all higher education institutions the establishment of the consorcium or association for the provision of career management services to students is needed.

4. Additional narrative description of the policy/practice/initiative


Additional information

Name of contact
Ms Aleksandra Sokolova

Role (in policy initiative)
Representative of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania involved in the process of development of the Model of the career management services for students in higher education

Organization name
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania

A. Volano str. 2/7, Vilnius, Lithuania

+370 5 219 1240

+370 5 261 2077


Website address

Documents and publications

Attached files


This information was provided/updated by:
Ms Aleksandra Sokolova, Deputy head of the Vocational Education and Guidance Division, Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania

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good practice, initiative, interesting practice, policy, career management services, career education, career evaluation, career counselling, career opportunities exploration, job search, higher education, Lithuania